Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I have managed to sort the muddle up* with The Patient's appointments.

His MRIs are supposed to have a gap of about six months between them. The last one was November 3rd. The next one would have been January 1st at a hospital much further away than the usual one.

It would take hours to get there and back, presuming the trains and buses run on a Bank Holiday. Fortunately an extremely kind person offered to drive him there. Someone who is familiar with the deepest darkest parts of Birmingham.

It took many emails and phone calls to explain the situation, and ask/remind them of the suggested interval.

* Other, less polite phrases could be used.


My steroid pen syringe thing,did not work correctly today.I pressed the plunger fully down,it did not retract automatically,i removed it manually and found it still had some fluid still in.So i have decided to leave well alone and just carry on as though the whole dose went in.I don't think a short dose will do me any harm,only two more injections this cycle.


getting better all the time
So your broken inverter is now fixed and you can invert the broken biscuits to whole ones.
Yes! That would be a very useful thing to do with the inverter, seeing as how there’s next to no solar coming off the roof today!
You're back! :hugs:

I was just thinking of you the other night and wondering where you'd gone xxx
Thank you. Mr Hebe was signed off work sick at the back end of summer. He’s hoping for a phased return a bit later in the new year. Hebe Jnr had mocks at school and 6th forms to look at. Just as things were quietening down a bit Mr Hebe’s dad got very poorly and died last week just when everyone thought he was turning a corner (in retrospect he was, just a different corner to the one we thought). The death certificates arrived yesterday and it felt like we could all draw breath and start getting on with life again for a couple of weeks before the funeral. The bikes are all in the garage, looked after but not ridden in months, it felt wrong to be doing something just for me with all the other rubbish going on. Which I know is terrible logic.
@Hebe - could you do a biscuit jigsaw puzzle, then eat the biscuit when you've made a whole one?
Now I want more biscuits. To be fair, they are not badly broken but it’s an underwhelming selection (first world problems).


Another hospital visit, another non appearing local bus and a better timed less hasty walk to the bus station for a hospital bound bus with sufficient time to catch two, assuming the second was on time. Post appointment quickly across Knaresborough Road to catch the approaching bus to Knaresborough. Sweet shop raided for sugar free chocolates for dad and then back westwards alighting to call in Asda. Then a walk around WHS and bananas from M&S. Back to the bus station, will a local bus arrive...
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I have managed to sort the muddle up* with The Patient's appointments.

His MRIs are supposed to have a gap of about six months between them. The last one was November 3rd. The next one would have been January 1st at a hospital much further away than the usual one.

It would take hours to get there and back, presuming the trains and buses run on a Bank Holiday. Fortunately an extremely kind person offered to drive him there. Someone who is familiar with the deepest darkest parts of Birmingham.

It took many emails and phone calls to explain the situation, and ask/remind them of the suggested interval.

* Other, less polite phrases could be used.

It may not be available where you are but we have Patient Transport in Scotland run by the Scottish Ambulance Service.
I have been summoned to a hospital in Paisley about 100 miles and a ferry trip away from home. I am not confident driving into a major conurbation now and refused the appointment.
This has been reinstated since my DIL organised the Patient Transport which is a minibus ambulance from Oban which does a tour of mainly Glasgow hospitals depending on demand.
You have to be reasonably unfit to qualify and I get on because I currently use 2 sticks for walking and public transport would be impossible.
You get dropped off as required and collected when finished. Apparently they also speed up your place in the system to allow them to get back to base within normal working hours.
I make it easier for them by arranging a mainland pick up and drop off which I can get to by car.


Been a funny old day the windy , wet weather continues lucky the dog walk was dry. The plan was to then go shopping nice and early until once home. Then it totally poured down so put pay to that till late morning. So first call the market which was rammed lucky unlike other placers. Going round it on Saturday afternoons with my parents means I learned a thing or two so can hold my own. Bakers 1st for the teacakes and my yearly treat some currant squares. Then off for the ham and pork pie, I was wanting to call into Morrisons but no way at that time. So thinking better of it came home. Then off out with Charlie for his afternoon walk again dry for most part. Once back had few minutes then got the clippers and stuff out. Time for his fur cut, thats when it went really down hill, he's been in a mood all day and boy was his fur cut hard going. He's never been that unhelpful before taken twice as long as normal.

Now he's in post cut mode ie new born lamb and full of beans running round wanting attention and a play. All I want is a rest a sandwich and :cuppa:. Before I start unloading the washing machine and sort out the next load. Oh and find time to cut my own hair and call into our local tesco extra to do some yellow sticker hunting. Best get on with the cleaning bits of Charlie are all over the place.:laugh:
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