Mundane News

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Legendary Member
This is fitted to my Van Nicholas Ventus commuter bike (hence the current state) which is on 23mm Michelin Pro 4 Endrance tyres. The top of the Crud bolts to the SKS clip on the rear brake nicely and both cable ties on the seat tube have to be pulled very tight to give the clearance
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Thanks for that. I’ll have root round the garage for my old crud’s.


Completely bemused. Woke up at 2 realising what had been bugging me all evening over some work matter so logged on to correct it. In doing so I swopped my normal glasses for the computer ones. Back to bed then when I got up found the computer glasses next to bed and no where can I find the normal glasses. Disliked spare set in use.


getting better all the time
Aloha. Sorry for being away. It’s been a challenging few months not improved by not being on here. Planning on some catching up this afternoon. I hope you’re all well.
The milkman brought us our Christmas order including a 1.3kg box of broken biscuits. Miss Hebe is disappointed by the lack of broken jammy dodgers this year. Also, our broken inverter is being replaced today.
It's a grey-ish mild and VERY blustery day again here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well, and spent the morning sorting the carnage done to my apple store. Now have a pile of apples to wang and a pile of apples to keep. Elsewhere.

And guess what the postie brought us this morning. The completed paperwork that I've been trying to squeeze out of the Belgian embassy since October. Damn thing is though, I should never have needed to get so exasperated with them, because I requested a written explanation of what they wanted way back then. Anyways, that's another thing less to worry about.

I've also done a small load of laundry in a "quick wash" as it wasn't worth putting a full load in.

This afternoon I shall wang the damaged / chewed apples somewhere among the trees in the garden - the birds etc can have them - rinse all the good ones off with the hose and then move them to utility room where I've made some space. I also need to saw some firewood. Fortunately I don't need to cook tonight.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and a certain furry madam wants her chicken.
Aloha. Sorry for being away. It’s been a challenging few months not improved by not being on here. Planning on some catching up this afternoon. I hope you’re all well.
The milkman brought us our Christmas order including a 1.3kg box of broken biscuits. Miss Hebe is disappointed by the lack of broken jammy dodgers this year. Also, our broken inverter is being replaced today.

You're back! :hugs:

I was just thinking of you the other night and wondering where you'd gone xxx
I needed a pint after doing the christmas food shopping at Tecos yesterday.

That doesn't surprise me.

There are benefits to getting stuff in nice and early. Only downside is that being hormonal, I've eaten all the snacks that I bought for the hols. I'll just have to get some more and then have some extra bike time at some point LOL...

P.S. The nacho cheese Xmas snack things from Tesco are bloody lovely. The pigs in blankets ones are way too salty.
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