Mundane News

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Legendary Member
May i suggest ~this~ site for shoe lace assistance? 🤔

Or I could buy shoes with Velcro 🤔


Or I could buy shoes with Velcro 🤔
Great 'no lace' solution - until the Velcro wears out - ! :laugh:
On the rare occasion a lace breaks on me; I re-tie it and replace it when I get home. When I'm out walking or camping, I always carry a spare pair of laces; an old service habit I've never lost. :okay:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Condolences DCLane the waiting is the worst part I think.

Another damp morning tho' the wind seem to have abated but due back for the next couple of days.
Just as well I had decided to stay at home for the holiday period this year as travelling would have been a problem as well as being confined indoors when I got there. I should be over to visit early January anyway for a hospital visit.

At Loch Restil which is at the top of the Rest and be Thankful the road is closed due to multiple overturned HGV's. This has always been a bad spot and even in a car you can get blown about in a dangerous fashion in a high wind.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's overcast, windy and wet yet again. Don't know what I've done right this morning, but the first cuppa of the day is one of the best I've had in a long time.

At some point this morning I'm going to head off into town to get some gammon steaks, decent bacon & sausages as food treats for myself for the weekend and that will be it until the middle of next week (mum's doing Chr***mas dinner and I'll end up with leftovers on Boxing Day).
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