Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of toast, cheese & cranberry sauce, plus an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

More or less re-jigged the fridges, but didn't finish as it's too blustery outside to continue, with small wood wanging around left, right and centre.

Have discovered that some kind of rodent has, in the last couple of days, gotten into and trashed most of my store of apples. I shall have to see what is salvageable in the morning as this wants doing outside. I've no idea how the blazes whatever it is has found its way into the hallway, and Madam Lexi hasn't caught anything.

I shall have to re-locate what's salvageable to the utility room. Arse.

Belgian bureaucrats have finally given me the answer I should have gotten from them back in October when I first asked for this stuff to be put into writing because I couldn't make head or tail of what they wanted or *why* they wanted it. Turns that a) they are updating their records and b) we never received some different paperwork which should have been done a little while ago. :banghead:

I need a :cuppa:


Vice Admiral
I had a problem with an old electronic timer we had. I thought I'd try for a manual online & it was there! It's amazing what is out there.

The clock mechanism is not working.
Well, found out why we were never sent the paperwork they're requesting. Dug out mum's residency permit, and from that, I can see we never needed it in the first place. Which is what I've been trying to tell them.

Hopefully a scan of the permit should finally make these busybody numpties go away. (Haven't they got someone else they can go and harass? My life is so full of joy as it is...) And send us the completed paperwork we DO need, preferably with an apology.


Mrs 73 has used some of her stuff in freezer freeing up a bit of space. So had a quick move round bagged up one lot of chicken goujons and chicken stakes. Now added to the freezer and freed up much needed fridge space. Still have little bit in the freezer left over may come in handy for the odd little bits.


Legendary Member
I've got the same bike! Mine is fitted with 25mm Continental GP4000s which come up large so they almost touch the seat tube and both stays.
Those Michelin tyres are much narrower and you might be able to use a Crud RoadRacer MK2 tail piece on the seat tube instead (as I do on another bike) - pics may follow this evening if you want.

Yes please.I would be interested in seeing the pics I think have an old Crud somewhere in the garage.


Legendary Member
Yes please.I would be interested in seeing the pics I think have an old Crud somewhere in the garage.

This is fitted to my Van Nicholas Ventus commuter bike (hence the current state) which is on 23mm Michelin Pro 4 Endrance tyres. The top of the Crud bolts to the SKS clip on the rear brake nicely and both cable ties on the seat tube have to be pulled very tight to give the clearance



Legendary Member
Does anyone remember those very old timers that have buttons in a circle? I cannot remember if the "buttons" should be in or out for the time you want it on. :scratch: They are too small for me to twiddle with unnecessarily. The timer is probably about a quarter of a century or more old.
Any ideas, anyone?
Oi - When you are an old timer like me, a quarter of a century old is NOT a very old timer!


Leg End Member
I just managed to unwrap a roll of wrapping paper without ripping it. I deserve a present just for that.

But my tape is a little too old and I can hear a wrapped present slowly unwrapping itself.
How old is/was the tape you used. I've tape from 1985* I still use, no problems with it coming away.

*See the Absolutely random photo of anything thread, first page.
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