Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Just rescued our green recycling bin from spreading its contents down the street
A bright and VERY blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, with some threatening rain clouds on the horizon.

Did not sleep well due to multiple trips to the little girls' room. Ah, the joys of TTOTM. Still feel really rotten, but it did me good to meet up with a friend and her dogs for a walk around the playing fields in the village and set the world to rights. We did cut it a little short though, as it was a bit *too* blustery. No visible tree damage here that I can see, but loads of bins in the village had fainted. Didn't bother putting any of mine out, so they're still all upright in their little sheltered corner behind the house.

I plan on having a quiet afternoon gently puttering about. I need to re-jig the fridges in the kitchen and utility room. Tidy up the fridge in the kitchen, then shift all the festive goodies from the utility room to the kitchen fridge to make space in the latter to allow for yellow stickerage on Sunday and Tuesday. I also need to make sure that there's enough space in the kitchen fridge in order to defrost and then brine the pork shoulder that I've got for Xmas dinner.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Urgent call from the hospice so I'm en route to Grantham. I wasn't planning on visiting today but have been told my mum's probably in her last 24 hours.
Despite the gusty wind I decided to go out on my bike. I made it to my cousin's house where I stopped to have a chat . I then set off towards Biddestone . It is normally a long drag out there but today it was even more so with a strong blustery head wind. I managed to ride out there in 1st year. It was a lovely ride back wind assisted. I did over 7 miles.
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