Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a very blustery and overcast Suffolk. Quite an 'interesting' ride in to work this morning having to guess which direction the wind was coming from. Looks like another day of staring blankly at the computer screen and trying to keep awake until the next coffee time. Talking of which...


1st real chance of a sit down and rest up all morning. Once back from the dog walk it was straight out the door again for an early morning trip to M&S. For most of the Christmas veg managed to find good big parsnips not long thin waste of time ones. Was hoping to bag the cream cakes but they all had a short date. So looks like another trip in a day or so. One thing about early shopping was a blissful very empty shop. Only 3 of us in the shop so plenty of space to have a good look round and a good rummage in the veg.
The other big plus is the traffic was not bad either it's a right pain when it is. No way to avoid it either come rush hour it's a no go area.

Once back the fringe needed a rethink once every thing out gave it a good clean out too. Then re stocked and sorted even got a bit of room for last minute stuff. Then time for a another sort of the food part of the pantry now got room for the extra Christmas stuff and the extra veg.

Boy is it windy had a few forced stops on the dog walk with the head wind just no way of moving. Also had to move a good old big lump of tree. That was blocking our path lucky spotted it before we fell over it. Most of the bins had blown over so before I got though the door had them to sort and lay down out the way. Driving in it was even more fun I'd have walked but i'd never make up the hill in this head wind. Trying to get the shopping trolley to the car and back was enough of a challenge. Never mind trying to walk avoiding being blown into stuff or ending up in the road.
Now having a rest up and well earned :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Gales and problems all round.
The Lochaline/Fishnish ferry might attempt a run about now but no guarantee of landing. Everything else cancelled.
Brings back memories of a new system of delivery from Inverness of malted barley. The lorry was loaded but when they set off from Lochaline after a long delay realised they really should not have. At Fishnish driver was told to get his engine warmed up and when they shout go he should not hesitate under any circumstances. He was still shaking when he arrived with us 20 miles away. :ohmy:
At present mainland has trees down everywhere and an overturned HGV at Rest and be Thankful so not a day to be travelling.
Calmac gets praise for doing unscheduled runs to Coll/Tiree yesterday as that may the last before christmas.


Legendary Member
I've got the same bike! Mine is fitted with 25mm Continental GP4000s which come up large so they almost touch the seat tube and both stays.
Those Michelin tyres are much narrower and you might be able to use a Crud RoadRacer MK2 tail piece on the seat tube instead (as I do on another bike) - pics may follow this evening if you want.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Im a bit worried about the trampoline in my garden.... I didn't have one yesterday!

Joking 😂


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Im a bit worried about the trampoline in my garden.... I didn't have one yesterday!

Joking 😂

One Oban resident is asking if anyone has seen his shed complete with garden tools which has gone awaol.
I did see a shed travelling down the main road in Bowling during a gale in the mid 1960’s.
In your day job it may interest you that nowadays very few HGV’s overturn at the top of the Rest and be Thankful. It used to be a regular occurrence and I have had some very dodgy trips in my vans with side winds coming at you from all directions.


Just back from a still windy dog walk noticed one of horse chestnuts on the top green has come down. It's all been cut ready to take away it's snapped just below ground it looks like canker had set in.
Once in the park yet another tree all cut up ready to go shame too as it was a lovely example of a Prunus. On closer looking it's taken out another one close by. So two more gone not many left in the area now. The place was very close to a lovely copper beach that was perfectly naturally proportioned great example. Which we lost a few years before.
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