Mundane News

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My bread dough is pourable.


I am not confident I'll get a good loaf of bread out of this.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's drizzling and a bit windy. Not much, apart from walking the dog, this morning.
This afternoon, I'm taking No1 daughter for her 8 weekly Crohn's infusion. I'll drop her off go for a ride alongside the River Nene for an hour before picking her up & popping in to a local place to get some dog food.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Think we are on granddaughter duties today so or should I say swmbo will be supervising whilst I will be working and joining in when possible
My little lunchtime 25km circuit was adequate but windy.
Just enough layers, but my feet got wet early on. Then cold for the rest of the trip
Can we have some convention about when pubs and tea shops are open or closed?
2 pubs and a tea shop on my route and all were closed.
Suppose it helps the diet and the budget

Yes! My friends went on a ride yesterday expecting to finish off with tea and cake and the place was shut for 2 weeks.


Legendary Member
I’ll take one in the morning.
it's like house plumbing, in my opinion. it's an art

but, well done you!

got pics?
Here it is

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