Mundane News

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Bread maker was 7 year old. New one ordered from John Lewis. Collect at Waitrose from 3 on Friday so thats the free Times, 75p 2 pint milk again and a bread maker to pick up on Saturday; must definitely not cycle there.
Mines as good as Apple Translate :laugh:, Mrs 73 knows the basics and bit more though she has a friend who is fluent.

Could be worse. Could be babbelfish. Remember that one? :laugh:

I have a few recipes that I've already translated on the other laptop, and I'll dig them out for you. But it means I can just scan and send over for others. I have a LOT of lebkuchen recipes.

The one I gave you is also good if you want to make a gingerbread house as it's got good structural integrity. It's also a good recipe to use if you want to do lebkuchen filled with jam or marzipan. :hungry:


A bit of excitement tonight at home.Whilst watching the TV I suddenly heard an alarm going off next door.As the property is empty I got a little suspicious as to what it was..It sounded like a smoke alarm so I went round to check to see if everything was ok..I couldn't see any visible signs of smoke or fire through the windows and opening the letter box I couldn't smell anything either..Still not satisfied I popped round to the local police station which is literally 2 minutes away..
A police officer came to check it out ,and he had to come through my house to check the back of the neighbours house.We then discovered the back door was unlocked..
As soon as he saw that he went into full police officer mode and called for back up and stood back from the door.
5 minutes later back up arrived and came through my front door and out my back door to get to the neighbours house..With flash lights on and body cameras working they entered the property to check it out..
Thankfully it was just a false alarm and it was a smoke alarm battery that has failed. Usually to my understanding, low smoke alarm batteries just make a chirping noise every other minute ,but this alarm so a constant bleeping noise..
Anyway no harm done except for a trail of muddy foot prints on my living room carpets from the size 12 boots ,as the boys in blue left behind when leaving.
It's always better to be safe than sorry in such things 👍
You couldn't make this up...

Belgian bureaucrats have replied to yesterday's e-mail, and are now requesting three things which I have either already sent them or told them. FFS!!!



You couldn't make this up...

Belgian bureaucrats have replied to yesterday's e-mail, and are now requesting three things which I have either already sent them or told them. FFS!!!


Called not fully reading the thread. I had the same with the Co-Op and a non working app coupon. Had sent the receipt with the original message to them but a procession of messages later "please provide a copy of the receipt"
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