Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
My working day has been completed and finished with a chuckle for sure
Had a fabulous luncheon of a sandwich with poached chicken, mayonnaise and home made cranberry sauce, plus an apple, a tangerine and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Then off with Max the MTB to drop off a batch of Christmas cards. First time on the bike since I came down with Covid, and bloody 'eck, that was hard work! Now I'm not exactly unfit thanks to walking and doing firewood, but my bike fitness has gone seriously *fzzzzt*

Also did the dough for a bread to go with a friend's Xmas pressie of cheese & homemade chutney. I'm meeting up with her tomorrow morning for a nice walk with the dogs and to exchange gifts.

Not cooking tonight, going to clear up the random items from the fridge. I did take some sausages out of the freezer however - I was watching some random Xmas cookery stuff on the i-player the other night, and saw a nice sausage, onion and cranberry thing done by Nigel Slater. I think that will make a nice filling for the rolls I picked up on YS the other day, and I'll be making leek & potato soup as well. I want to get to Christmas Eve with no leftovers in the fridge.

Sat down with a :cuppa: and watching the news.
Just finished baking last batch of @Reynard Honiglebkuchen , a big thank you it's a hit for sure. Boy it's moreish polished off about 1/2 the 1st tray. :mrpig: They are fab and will now be added to my working recipe collection book.

In my defence it's the 1st time baking them. Plus I think in the factory they just wrote the temp on the oven for a laugh. It's way off on this new oven. Sholund also say the tray is small another pain of this oven. My best trays no longer fit.

Ah, I'm glad they're going down very nicely. :becool:

Have other lebkuchen recipes you can try if you're ever of a mind.
What do you think of my new hat?

it makes you look like an owl

not that there's anything wrong w/ that :biggrin:


Bread machine seems to have gone wonky
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