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Vice Admiral
chemo taste buds might be starting,a minor problem,toast tasted like cardboard,tom soup was just warm and well nothing.It's mince pie and latte soon,hope that tastes better.just before Xmas and all the goodies too.But i am NOT complaining,i have been so lucky.Mickle and Hairy Biker Dave have faced worse than me.Four done two to do.

Yes, I had that problem. Cheese (unless it was very strong) was tasteless as was fish.

Strangely my sense of smell improved. I asked one of the Chemo nurses if I was going bonkers, because if there were scenes of a fire on a television programme, I could smell smoke and burning. She said that as your taste buds diminish, the nose will compensate.

Scenes of long-unihabited buidlings, and old smokey pubs also appeared as "smelly vision". There are still a lot of things that other people would describe as "pleasant" whereas I would say they have an over-powering smell of bleach, disinfectant or similar things.

So, @biggs682 please be careful how much after shave you are wearing!
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Just finished baking last batch of @Reynard Honiglebkuchen , a big thank you it's a hit for sure. Boy it's moreish polished off about 1/2 the 1st tray. :mrpig: They are fab and will now be added to my working recipe collection book.

In my defence it's the 1st time baking them. Plus I think in the factory they just wrote the temp on the oven for a laugh. It's way off on this new oven. Sholund also say the tray is small another pain of this oven. My best trays no longer fit.


With modern cars going onto 'standby' when you take the ignition key out instead of completely switching off, as in the 'old days', I was concerned about coming back to a flat battery after our ten day break sans car. :dry:
As advised by my local garage, the answer is simple; disconnect the negative terminal. Job done - ! ^_^
I did ponder that possibility, but it's good to get professional confirmation. :okay:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
With modern cars going onto 'standby' when you take the ignition key out instead of completely switching off, as in the 'old days', I was concerned about coming back to a flat battery after our ten day break sans car. :dry:
As advised by my local garage, the answer is simple; disconnect the negative terminal. Job done - ! ^_^
I did ponder that possibility, but it's good to get professional confirmation. :okay:

And hope that you still have the radio code 😂


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Gales are coming sooner than expected.
Mid 60’s overnight and all morning ferries cancelled.
Looks not too bad just now but looking out I see the fish farmers heading in at speed. They do not hang about and at a guess are doing 25 knots at least through the Diorlinn.
Rain seemed to ease off earlier so want out for a walk. As soon as I got to the mid point rain started again so got pretty wet.
Everything seems a bit negative these days. Must be the short days having some effect.


And hope that you still have the radio code 😂
I'll check that wee detail thanks, but not overly bothered as I don't tend to listen to it much, or when the GLW is in the car; which is usually I don't need it ( :laugh: ), or I have CDs on.
Spent most of the day fitting SKS long clip on mudguards to my Planet X Due to the bike being close clearance fitting took some time.Finally got the guards in place without rubbing Just a question of using the correct brackets so a bit of trial and error

The extension behind the seat tube would not fit without rubbing.Fitted the extension to the seat tube with a zip tie The package states suitable for up to 25c I have 23 c fitted and the clearance was just right no way would the frame be able to accommodate 25 c with SKS long’s fitted. No more soggy hind quarters

it's like house plumbing, in my opinion. it's an art

but, well done you!

got pics?


And hope that you still have the radio code 😂

That was a problem with a 2003 Seat Ibiza I part exchanged. The code was written on the back of a business card from its original garage. Of course at some point before it was sold on someone cleared the document folder of such irrelevant items without looking on the back. Got a call from its new owner wondering if I knew the code, which I did not.
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