Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Truly miserable looking day outside. Wet and windy with very poor visibility.
The worst kind of winter weather and we are forecast to have up to 60mph winds by Friday.

Our road surfaces in general are not too bad just now but there are multiple complaints on the Oban FB pages about pot holes causing terminal damage to wheels and tyres. I did see a few the last time I was over but managed to miss them. Some apparently are called lakes which seems to be term of abuse. :whistle:


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the promising start to the day with clear skies has reverted back to the usual state of disappointment at the outcome with a fair bit of cloud cover. So far very little work has been done except for getting rid of a couple of old cases and the associated paperwork and deleting yet another load of emails which have no relevance to my work area.

Time for coffee number 2 of the day.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Nice 4 mile walkies plus a free sausage for Bonnie and tea & a bacon sarnie at Mill Yard Café.



Vice Admiral
Thank you @Andy in Germany for posting the photos of the shop.

The premises for the craft shop are nowhere near that big. She is planning to have a sofa in the shop and her items around it. The plan may include free one to one knitting and crochet lessons, presumably the teacher will be a volunteer.
Grey, mild and blustery here chez Casa Reynard, and mercifully, dry.

Slept well, and slept in a bit. Still feel very tired, but don't feel quite so *bleurgh*. Part of the issue is that when my monthlies go all screwy on me (early last time, very late this), it knocks me for six. Anyways, I have had a quiet morning puttering around doing various gentle tasks. Which includes making a batch of cranberry sauce.

Last year I got a job lot of cranberries on yellow sticker, but because I had no freezer space, I dried them instead. So I rehydrated some overnight, and now they've done a tango in a saucepan along with some of the soaking liquid, a green harvey apple, the zest and juice of an orange, some finely chopped fresh root ginger, some cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and chinese 5-spice powder. And lastly, sugar to taste - I like it so's it's just sweet enough. Not too tart, and yet not sweet either. I like that zing!

I shall continue the kitchen theme this afternoon and make a pot of leek & potato soup. I will put the stock in which I poached the chicken for the curry into the soup, so that it doesn't go to waste. I will also have to go and deliver the "by hand" Christmas cards. In my case, it's the "by bicycle" cards as I don't fancy walking and part of the round isn't suitable for cars. Max the MTB will be a suitable conveyance in this case.

Anyways, it's time for luncheon.


Nice 4 mile walkies plus a free sausage for Bonnie and tea & a bacon sarnie at Mill Yard Café.

View attachment 716582
We had a bike stop years ago in Knaresborough.The two women who were in charge only allowed one dog in.That dog was bought scrambled egg and one sausage,the meal became known as a Louie named after the dog.I ordered one and very nice it was too.


chemo taste buds might be starting,a minor problem,toast tasted like cardboard,tom soup was just warm and well nothing.It's mince pie and latte soon,hope that tastes better.just before Xmas and all the goodies too.But i am NOT complaining,i have been so lucky.Mickle and Hairy Biker Dave have faced worse than me.Four done two to do.
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