Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Rained during the night, pretty sure it's not now though.
First cuppa is ready to be drunk
A couple of pictures from our shop:

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This includes a few of their own products made from recycled materials.

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To keep stock at acceptable levels while having a buffer to absorb the unpredictable donations, this is backed up by a stock room of about the same size as the shop.

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Keeping this organised is a job in itself; we could get a donation of thirty rolls of fabric or ten bags of balls of wool and they have to be organised, thrown away or put out for stock quickly.

I've always thought you worked in a cycle shop ! :wacko:


1st :cuppa: and sit down since about 1/2 5 this morning. Been none stop since coming in from the dog walk. Giving the down stairs a good pre Christmas clean. Mostly done rest can wait for later today. All it will need then a quick clean from now till Christmas Eve.
Need a nap after all that at least it’s all done saves a lot of time for other things.
Best get ready and call into town before it gets too busy.


Legendary Member
Morning perambulation completed, porridge eaten and all ready for another wonderful day at work.

It's still dark out. A bulb must have gone in the sun.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a fairly damp Suffolk. It wasn't as wet as I was expecting, but still required the waterproofs for the morning commute and the gloves, cap and Buff are currently in the drying cupboard.

just finishing the first coffee of the day which is a bit stronger than normal as I'm using whatever was left in the bottom of the jar and then I'm being dragged out to do some actual work :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dull and cloudy with more gales forecast.
The local post office is warning people to get their christmas mail in early as boats may be cancelled and the mail will not leave the island.
MV Isle of Arran was off for some reason but the first sailing was reinstated at 0530. Going anywhere by ferry gets more of a lottery by the day.
Since it is not actually raining I may get out today tho' I could be doing with tidying my living room. Too much correspondence lying around waiting to get filed or junked.
Dealt with emails to my overseas relatives so only localish ones to do now.
Coffee time.
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