Mundane News

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Just finished decorating the Christmas cake and just unveiled it to Mrs 73 she loves it.
I'm pleased with it as given the on going rethinks needed and happy with the very last minute change in part of design.
Now having a :cuppa:




Strange buzzing noise in the kitchen. One of those that it takes a minute to work out where its actually coming from and it was the storage cupboard and quickly narrowed down to the box of favoured bike cameras, head units and lights. Turned out to be the Garmin 530, presumably I had not switched it off properly after using it around 6 weeks back and it was a low battery alarm.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe.

Another phone call from the Belgian bureaucrats re some paperwork the parental needs to fill in (this is a yearly occurrence), and they still want some other documentation. This has been going on now for two months and I am starting to get rather pissed off with them. Instead of sending me by post or e-mail a checklist of everything that needs doing, every couple of weeks I get a phone call: can we have this or that or something else. I swear they'll be wanting to know the colour of my underwear next! :angry: I mean usually, this is just a fill in the form, add the necessary scans / copies and wang it back in the post job. Painless and takes half an hour.

Let's just say I wasn't in a good mood to have my lunch interrupted, and I'll admit I was rather rude to the lady on the phone. It was like oh no, not YOU again... OTOH, it worked, as I now have received an e-mail with a list of the outstanding documentation. Inevitably, it's for stuff we've never been asked for before. I mean why the f*ck couldn't they give me this information the first time I asked them for a list back in bloody October!!! :angry:

I took my frustration out on a load of innocent firewood. I've sawed up about half a trailer's worth and already split some of that too. it is very satisfying to whack logs with an axe.

Also dropped off some cards that needed going in the post. We didn't receive last year, so we didn't send. And now gotta play catch up. And I dropped off a magazine and some onion bhajis at a friend's.

So much for having a quiet day. I am *finally* sitting down with a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
thinking about a plug-in air freshener for my office but don't want it all flowery & perfumy. anyone ever get something that's either manly or subtle?

Old Spice?
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