Mundane News

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They are a real step above in favour it's the orange blossom water that really up's the game.
The recipe is one of James Mortons from How Baking Works.

I've reserved it at the library. I might get it before Christmas, with any luck!
I decided not to email the lady about the craft shop, I phoned her instead.

She thought my idea of a small section of haberdashery, is a good idea. She lives within walking distance, and currently uses her garage as her workshop. This means I can easily talk to her there.

She has received lots of encouraging emails from people.

A couple of pictures from our shop:



This includes a few of their own products made from recycled materials.


To keep stock at acceptable levels while having a buffer to absorb the unpredictable donations, this is backed up by a stock room of about the same size as the shop.



Keeping this organised is a job in itself; we could get a donation of thirty rolls of fabric or ten bags of balls of wool and they have to be organised, thrown away or put out for stock quickly.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
In between hospice visits I decided to clear my head by doing an hour at Manchester velodrome. Yes, it is in the wrong direction but still a good workout. Riding the black line for an hour helps to focus the mind.

100 laps done and an invitation to race this evening which was politely declined due to current personal circumstances. I'm not putting myself in a race pack, or club ride either, just in case I'm not concentrating properly.


Legendary Member
New EE tellybox all plugged in and working, old BT tellybox packaged up and dropped off at Post Office for return to BT for recycling. The house also looks a little tidier and I have food in the fridge ready to be taken to work tomorrow.

Also ready for tomorrow are the waterproofs as the forecast for the morning commute does not look promising.


Leg End Member
The other passengers are glancing disapprovingly at my wine, is it because I am drinking Moselle with sausage?
Possibly, maybe try a staw next time.
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