Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Lunchtime stroll around the block completed under grey dry skies.
We spotted 9 magpies on one roof

Great! Any woodpeckers spotted?


Had go to the out of town retail park as Currys still have not sort thing. Not wasting anymore time so had to go to sort out a refund.
It's not too hard for me to walk to just the road layout is all for traffic not for anyone else. With a maze of crossing points with no direct route. Ending up going out you way to simply cross the road in in front of you. The new "cycle route" is equal joke of a mass of pavement, blue signs and the same maze of crossing. With no direct route either and helpful route end signs that dump you with no way to go. When I do go on the bike I will just use the road at traffic heavy times the Crossing. Will come in handy but once over a more direct route will be used.


Legendary Member
Red sky at night


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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Managed to get the stuff I took in from the car mostly stowed away so the house interior does not look much worse than usual. There are still some bits to come in from the car so if it is not wet tomorrow that might get sorted and shifted to wherever it belongs.
One thing which always surprises me is that the shore staff at Calmac Oban mostly seem to know me by name. They have thousands passing through there so it is some feat remembering such things.
I was approaching the first check in point yesterday which was empty but there was a shout from a small group nearby. “ on you go Mr OW “ .
The post from @rockroller about making figures balance takes me back a few years. In my distilling days we tallied up at set intervals how much Plain British Spirits we had made. This was done by myself and the Customs and Excise man. We worked out the figures separately with no machine assistance and had to both get the same answer or start again till we did.
The same procedure was used when filling into casks and again this was all worked out using only our brain.
Mostly it worked first time but frustrating when either of us made an error.


Bus back from the hospital was less of an issue. Two arrived at the hospital stop together. True to form the standing room only one running 10 minutes late stopped to let someone off while the other one pretty lightly loaded flew pass without stopping.

Homeward bus from the bus station was sufficiently distant in time to allow Boots to be visited first for a pair of those small 12v batteries some remotes use. It was pretty quite once on its estate loop so two stops from mine it stopped to wait time.
Back home and looked at the work emails to find someone sat at the far end of the room yesterday from me has gone down with Covid:surrender:
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
4th hospice visit of the week done and it's getting tougher for us all. I also know it will get more difficult before things get easier.

Just how someone works in a hospice I don't know. Most have shown incredible patience and care.

I wish I was getting "frequent flyer" miles for using the M1/M18/A1 between West Yorkshire and Grantham each visit. And "flying" has been the method this week as I had a lecture on Tuesday to deliver in Leeds after my visit with limited travel time, although colleagues have picked up Wednesday's and today's seminars. Outside lane doing "ahem ... hello officer" speed unfortunately on Tuesday lunchtime.
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Legendary Member
My teeth are all cleaned and buffed up now. First time I'd ever been seen by a hygienist but she's happy with me and apparently I am doing a good job on looking after my teeth anyway.

Went for a bike ride afterwards, just the usual out and back ten miles I have been doing recently. Slow and seriously windy on the way out but I think I set a new land speed record on the way home!

I then did my physio exercises. I must say it's all working anyway as I don't really have any back symptoms now at all apart from maybe a bit of stiffness if I've been sitting too long.

Now time for Friday night pie and chips.:hungry:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My teeth are all cleaned and buffed up now. First time I'd ever been seen by a hygienist but she's happy with me and apparently I am doing a good job on looking after my teeth anyway.

Went for a bike ride afterwards, just the usual out and back ten miles I have been doing recently. Slow and seriously windy on the way out but I think I set a new land speed record on the way home!

I then did my physio exercises. I must say it's all working anyway as I don't really have any back symptoms now at all apart from maybe a bit of stiffness if I've been sitting too long.

Now time for Friday night pie and chips.:hungry:

A bit like one of my Shetland visits. Two hours from East Voe near Scalloway hard going and 20 minutes back with no pedalling.
It's been a grey, dry and not too cold day here chez Casa Reynard. And a busy one.

Slept well. Spent the morning at the parental's beck and call providing taxi service. This afternoon I filled up the wood bins in the house, sorted out (I hope) a p*ncture fairy visitation on the mower, unloaded the trailer, stacking the large stuff in the garage and the small stuff under the utility room porch, ready to be sawn up, and dropped a 4ft long x 10 inch diameter length of cherry wood on the big toe of my right foot. Things got a bit sweary for a while.

Then I sorted out mum's gift / parcel thingy. And you know what, by the time I padded out the bottom, wrapped everything, and then added some more packaging to stop things rolling around, the box was just the right size. So yesterday's strop was totally unwarranted. Ah well, hey ho.

That done, I went out to deliver the parcel and pick up the parental's prescription.

I'm really tired. At least I can have a nice quiet evening watching the puissance. That's always good fun.
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