Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Too dark to say what the weather really like but time for my perambulation. I can't wait for daylight in the mornings again.

Half-day today. :wahhey: I have a checkup at the dentist's which sort of spoils the afternoon though.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Back from a 7 mile utility ride across town to drop off some recycling at local supermarket.

Came home to the alarm on my old phone which was fully immersed in water yesterday going off at 7am , phone has no display or functionality of any buttons still so can't turn it off etc etc . Can't even get the case of easily according to you tube videos I have watched so might have a play later.
It is getting lighter here. It was dark and cold when I put our bins out .
I had a better night regarding my cold . I had a cough before I fell asleep and I think just one in the night. I woke up soaking wet with sweat. It seems my body is trying to sweat it out . Yesterday I was really barking and had lost my voice . I slept a lot during the day. My head feels a bit clearer this morning.
Why is it that dreams show up the sadistic side of your brain ? If the dream is going really well you wake up at an interesting point and can't get back to it ! If it is a horrific dream it seems to go on too long and you wake up terrified.
Last night my dream had a fly past of WW2 aeroplanes and as luck would have it I just caught the tail end of it as they flew by in the distance. It was nice to see a couple of Spitfires flying at speed trying to catch up .


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the promised sunshine has failed to appear and it's another grey and overcast start, but at least it's dry.
Starting to feel a bit more 'normal' so I'm going to take the train and head off out for a few hours to see how things go. There's plenty of options to cut things short and head home if I start to feel rough again.

First coffee of the day just completed and it didn't taste too bad.


Your parcel is out for delivery.It will be delivered before 19-00.Oh good i had nothing planned for today.The morning after chemo is not nice but it does settle down.Plus after the wonderful news on Tuesday i only have two more to do.Then i promise all of you wonderful chatters no more mention of my cancer.
I was standing at our kitchen sink looking out of the window about to do the washing up when I noticed a Grey Squirrel leaping about in the trees at the bottom of the garden. The Squirrel was leaping about from branch to branch and then onto the next tree, using it as an aerial highway. The trees are growing in an old trackway which used to run at the bottom of the gardens . Over the years some people have annexed the land as theirs. Whilst I was watching the Squirrel I wondered how it had got to a tree further away all of a sudden . I then noticed that there were 2 and one was chasing the other. I know that they are vermin but it was interesting to watch.
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