Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey and damp this morning but the forecast high wind has not yet appeared.
Slept in and the house and car interior are both shambolic with stuff lying everywhere which annoys me but I have too much to do this morning to get on with clearing it up.
Seem to have developed an evil temper this morning as well as I had to go out to get more ferry tickets and collect medications. The Blue Badge space at the chemist had a plumber's van parked in it for a start. Went to the Calmac office and Michelle had a notice on the door "Back in half an hour". This was after I had barged my way through the cafe which is trying to block the whole area and having a few comments to the proprietor.Having to walk with two sticks just now helped my case.
Cannot get annoyed with Michelle who is always very helpful and a bit cynical about her employers.
Now that I have finished my coffee the soup needs to get started and a lot of food in the fridge needs to get broken down into smaller portions and put in the freezer.


All at sea⛵
a mouse has eaten a small KitKat candy bar in our office

A whole one? Usually sign of the rarer two legged mouse.


Unexpectedly at the hospital for a rushed appointment. Wondering if it's due to the scheduled one being next Friday when there is a strike. Annoyingly the bus to town failed to turn up and the next one was not tracking. Decided to walk, just missing a bus from Ripon on Ripon Road and then on the decent of the road a local bus passed. Then had a game of cat and mouse with it until it finally pulled away up the hill to the bus station. For once the bus thence to the hospital was on time and I actually arrived only 50 seconds late.
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Legendary Member
I was standing at our kitchen sink looking out of the window about to do the washing up when I noticed a Grey Squirrel leaping about in the trees at the bottom of the garden. The Squirrel was leaping about from branch to branch and then onto the next tree, using it as an aerial highway. The trees are growing in an old trackway which used to run at the bottom of the gardens . Over the years some people have annexed the land as theirs. Whilst I was watching the Squirrel I wondered how it had got to a tree further away all of a sudden . I then noticed that there were 2 and one was chasing the other. I know that they are vermin but it was interesting to watch.

Introduced as food


Legendary Member
I was standing at our kitchen sink looking out of the window about to do the washing up when I noticed a Grey Squirrel leaping about in the trees at the bottom of the garden. The Squirrel was leaping about from branch to branch and then onto the next tree, using it as an aerial highway. The trees are growing in an old trackway which used to run at the bottom of the gardens . Over the years some people have annexed the land as theirs. Whilst I was watching the Squirrel I wondered how it had got to a tree further away all of a sudden . I then noticed that there were 2 and one was chasing the other. I know that they are vermin but it was interesting to watch.

I have a grey squirrel who visits the bird feeders daily.He raps his tail round the bird table.Hang’s upside down to feed on the Sunflower Hearts.
Unexpectedly at the hospital for a rushed appointment. Wondering if it's due to the scheduled one being next Friday when there is a strike. Annoyingly the bus to town failed to turn up and the next one was not tracking. Decided to walk, just missing a bus from Ripon on Ripon Road and then on the decent of the road a local bus passed. Then has a game of cat and mouse with it until it finally pulled away up the hill to the bus station. For once the bus thence to the hospital was on time and I actually arrived only 50 seconds late.

sympathies. my memories of public transportation, for commuting, are mostly well forgotten
The ultimate nerd sport: Interpretive spreadsheet dancing.

careful there

back in '79, '80 & '82 worked a a summer resort. cooked breakfast & rented rooms at night. part of the office closing procedure was tallying up the days business in a large paper spreadsheet. we'd have to add up all the columns, all the rows & something had to equal something else. anyway the darn thing never balanced exactly. one night I was hanging out w/ a colleague, the Assistant Manager, as he was closing up. I was at the front desk & he was sitting at the desk w/ the spreadsheet counting. then all of a sudden I hear him yell: "it balanced!!!!" & then a THUD! he threw his hands up to rejoice & fell over backwards hitting his head on the floor
I have my sheep ringtone back

to put you to sleep, or wake you up?
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