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Itching to get back on my bike's
Back from a nice 23 miles, very dark earlier and damp underfoot, now getting a couple of small blue sky patches in an otherwise grey clouds.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wind up to 50mph forecast with rain.
Strangely no warnings from Calmac this morning about possible disruption to services apart from the passenger lift still not working. Apparently the lifts in those vessels were originally designed for buildings and the movement of the ship upsets them.

Got a Christmas card and a long epistle from somebody who generally only communicates at this time of year. He will be about the same age as myself but his apparent lifestyle is a bit unbelievable.
He was a full time Church of Scotland minister and still does the occasional service or funeral. His wife has been dead for a few years but his family are all brilliant academics and he travels regularly to one lot in Switzerland as well as the UK based ones.
Not sure I believe all of it. :unsure:
I need to get a suitable reply sorted out as he is one of those who may or may not still be alive but it is difficult to know in some cases whether to send greetings or not.
My wife used to get a card every year from somebody who seemed to live in a care home but she had no idea who this person was. There was no return address to check.:sad:
Before I was in education one of my sales team got an Austin Maestro as a company car; he'd previously had a Vauxhall Cavalier and his face when he then got a Maestro was one of utter disappointment. I drove it a couple of times and the 1.3 engine's gear linkage would come out, needing a thump to get it back in again.

In Tim Moore's book "You are awful but I like you" he tours the UK in a cheap Hungarian-built Maestro. It rarely works properly.

I can -just- remember Maestros; I didn't realise they were that bad.

Was the Hungarian build a licence arrangement, or subcontracting like the one British Rail had with a Romanian builder for their class 56?


Legendary Member
To be fair, once th
Before I was in education one of my sales team got an Austin Maestro as a company car; he'd previously had a Vauxhall Cavalier and his face when he then got a Maestro was one of utter disappointment. I drove it a couple of times and the 1.3 engine's gear linkage would come out, needing a thump to get it back in again.

In Tim Moore's book "You are awful but I like you" he tours the UK in a cheap Hungarian-built Maestro. It rarely works properly.

To be fair, once they ironed out the bugs, the Maestro was a decent car with great space efficiency and good ride comfort. I knew several who had one without complaints and a friend of my uncle's ran a Montego estate well past 200,000 miles.


Legendary Member
We had a turbo diesel version as a pool car at work many years ago - that thing had turbo lag that could be measured in minutes.

Despite that I still brought one of the MG versions with the 8v engine (no electronic dash or quartic steering wheel thankfully) which was surprisingly rapid and quite fun to drive.


To be fair, once they ironed out the bugs, the Maestro was a decent car with great space efficiency and good ride comfort. I knew several who had one without complaints and a friend of my uncle's ran a Montego estate well past 200,000 miles.

My first car was a Maestro. Needed a replacement engine so a refurbed was fitted. Whoever had refurbed it had plainly only put the label on it without doing anything. Another was fitted FOC.

Just filled the tank up on the current car, almost £50 which would have been a lot of money back when I had the Maestro.

50p off voucher for the third week on 2 pints milk used at Waitrose (75p) and a Co-Op offer used for another at £1.05. Boxing day gammon with maple glaze now in the freezer and a new pair of gloves to replace the missing picked up in Aldi. Now to put the washing out.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where yet again the sunshine has failed to appear and it's dull, overcast and breezy. There's a load of washing currently on the go and the first mug of coffee of the day has just been finished.

I need to head towards Ipswich later on, but need to get the timing and route correct as it's the Old Farm Derby at Portman Road and there's various road closures and expected very heavy traffic.


Legendary Member
My first car was a Maestro. Needed a replacement engine so a refurbed was fitted. Whoever had refurbed it had plainly only put the label on it without doing anything. Another was fitted FOC.

Just filled the tank up on the current car, almost £50 which would have been a lot of money back when I had the Maestro.

50p off voucher for the third week on 2 pints milk used at Waitrose (75p) and a Co-Op offer used for another at £1.05. Boxing day gammon with maple glaze now in the freezer and a new pair of gloves to replace the missing picked up in Aldi. Now to put the washing out.
As I had mine back in the late 80s, I think that £50 back then would have filled the tank quite at least a couple of times.


After the Maestro I had a 205 with a puny 945cc engine.Was a bit like cycling. To stand any chance of getting up a hill at any reasonable speed a fast descent on the approach was required.

It possibly should have been written off when two cars stopped in front of me from 60mph using ABS and the 205 did not. It was nominally fixed, I presume having the miniscule engine it meant it was damaged less that might have otherwise been the case.

Then it died on the A658 one evening. Turned out the body shop had wired it up wrong and a free fix occurred.

Wasn't the end of the issue as one day going to York the speedo failed so a new one had to be fixed and work mileage claims subsequently had to be provided to verify to around 30 miles it's actual mileage.

After I sold it I saw it on a number of occasions in various conditions ranging from mint to how is that allowed on the road and back to mint... Remember seeing a HGV full of new 205 body shells so think it was quite likely when it was finally scrapped the body shell probably was not the original.
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