Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Red sky at night, sailors' delight! Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. The rhyme is a rule of thumb used for weather forecasting during the past two millennia. It is based on the reddish glow of the morning or evening sky, caused by haze or clouds related to storms in the region

Red sky at night shepherd s delight red sky in the morning shepherds warning U.K. version.


Leg End Member
I have a seasonal hankering for the sounds & smells of model trains
Like this, no smellyvision sorry.



Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I got my first Christmas card today. My latest letterbox experience went like this...
Just been on the council website.
My main bin won’t be emptied until 30th December.
It will be overflowing by then.


I put my black bag out on Wednesday night, but only because the bin men's Xmas Box was attached to it. Otherwise I'd not have bothered. I last put a black bag out, I think it might have been in September at some point...

Mind you, we have *very* good recycling facilities here in East Cambs. Plus Tesco take all the soft plastics and cat food pouches.


Legendary Member
I rather enjoyed watching that Puissance.

The winner jumped 7ft 2" (or 2m 18). That's higher than the ceiling. Bonkers.

You and a half (almost)?


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...

Before I was in education one of my sales team got an Austin Maestro as a company car; he'd previously had a Vauxhall Cavalier and his face when he then got a Maestro was one of utter disappointment. I drove it a couple of times and the 1.3 engine's gear linkage would come out, needing a thump to get it back in again.

In Tim Moore's book "You are awful but I like you" he tours the UK in a cheap Hungarian-built Maestro. It rarely works properly.
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