Mundane News

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Good morning. Off to work soon.

The river was fairly high yesterday as I came back, and it was raining a lot overnight.

It's higher again; as high as it's been this year and almost at the peak I remember in 2021.

If it's still interesting later I'll take a picture.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A bright clear sky this morning and looks like a nice day ahead.
I feel a bit knackered and did not sleep too well last night tho' I did have a sleep on the settee yesterday afternoon. Probably being more active than usual with all the chasing around shops as well as cycling is a bit much for me these days.
Will get out for a trike run despite that but not too far. Problem is finding somewhere where traffic is not threatening but is still in sunshine.
Most of the quiet roads are in shadow with the sun low in the sky but may try the cyclepath further north from Creagan Bridge where there is handy parking for the car.
I was talking to my cousin earlier on in the year about our coach trip up to Scotland and visiting John O' Groats to which he said that he had thought about cycling from Land's End to John O' Groats . Just thinking about it it is quite a logistical challenge ! He has a bit of an advantage as he lives in Cornwall. Apart from planning on where to stay overnight there is planning your route ! Our coach trip had to do a large detour twice because of road closures. Road accidents . You would want to try to avoid steep hills wherever possible . I think the first thing would be to aim for the Severn Bridge but my brain is telling me the easiest route would to to get to Penzance and catch a train to Bristol . From there is should be easier to get another train north . :whistle:


Legendary Member
Looks like a nice morning so far and it was very mild for the time of year when out on my perambulation.

In another ten days, the amount of daylight will be starting to increase.:wahhey:

I put a washing in earlier. If the weather stays like this, it would actually dry outside!

Time for work!


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I was talking to my cousin earlier on in the year about our coach trip up to Scotland and visiting John O' Groats to which he said that he had thought about cycling from Land's End to John O' Groats . Just thinking about it it is quite a logistical challenge ! He has a bit of an advantage as he lives in Cornwall. Apart from planning on where to stay overnight there is planning your route ! Our coach trip had to do a large detour twice because of road closures. Road accidents . You would want to try to avoid steep hills wherever possible . I think the first thing would be to aim for the Severn Bridge but my brain is telling me the easiest route would to to get to Penzance and catch a train to Bristol . From there is should be easier to get another train north . :whistle:


That was my route 🙂


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey & overcast Suffolk where the good news is that it's not raining.

Croaked in sick for work for the rest of the week and I hope the antibiotics do their thing as it's work drinkies get together on Sunday afternoon, with everything paid for in advance by management.

...I had a better night's sleep last night . It initially started off with coughing and then settled down . I managed to sleep through to this morning which was good . I woke up to a smokers cough . My head seems a bit clearer thinking wise, the past few days I've felt drunk. I managed to fit a tyre and tube on last night .
This is a nasty cold !
Welcome to my world of the past week and a half.
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