Mundane News

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Madam Lexi is snoring away in her igloo bed.
love my crib


I have just been out in the garden. This morning I took the baby plants out of the coldframe to make sure they are not too wet, or too dry. I decided to put them back before I forget, and see if other plants need more protection.

:cold:That wind is a very lazy one, it comes over the Malverns and then goes through me, rather than around me.
Looked after many rows of large victorian style Coldframes over the years. One most useful things to have sadly massively over looked.
By most "lifestyle gardeners" and equally on trend gardening show and presenters.


Afternoon trip into town for a few bits inc a present for Mrs 73 works secret Santa. Had a hunt around and found what i'd be asked to get. Much less than the agreed budget but a lot better than the original option.
Yesterday's visit to the market I spotted the new milk vending machine belonging to a local farm. So thought I'd treat Mrs 73 to fresh from the farm milk shake. Must be good most has already gone good job I bought the refillable glass bottle. Think it's going to get some use.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny all day but cold.
Got out for a short trike run and found a closed road on my proposed route. No idea why it was closed as beyond the sign nothing could be seen so just turned back. A bit awkward as it was straight into the sun which was blinding so I had to keep an eye on any overtaking traffic in case they did not see me. Fortunately very little traffic so not too much bother.
Started packing for my return home tomorrow as I have to be away promptly to finish shopping and make sure I arrive at the ferry terminal in time before check in closes.
DIL has sorted Patient Transport for my appointment next month. I don't think I could have got the same result so easily but she is familiar with the system and can talk to them using language they cannot really argue with.
Not something I am looking forward to as it is a cystoscopy.
I have had at least 15 to 20 of those in the distant past when you got a general anaesthetic but now there is no anaesthetic. Cannot really work out how many but it was every 6 months for 5 years and then every 12 months for the next 5 years plus some before that even started.
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Vice Admiral
Looked after many rows of large victorian style Coldframes over the years. One most useful things to have sadly massively over looked.
By most "lifestyle gardeners" and equally on trend gardening show and presenters.

My coldframe is not big, about three foot by two foot, with a sloping roof. I like growing plants from cuttings, and that is the best place for them in their early days.

The baby plants in there at the moment are Pulsatilla (aka Pasque flower) and some Potentilla, sunlit or sunlight.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
A 100km outing in the rain to Dunstable Downs. A very wet ride.

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