Mundane News

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Had a lovely lunch of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with vintage cheddar cheese, plus an apple, a tangerine and the obligatory two cups of tea.

All shopping put away. Laundry hung up. Lexi's water dispenser washed and re-filled. Assorted gifts all waiting in a separate bag, all the wood bins in the house topped up and curly ribbon wrestled with. That stuff's like handling live eels - and as a former angler, I *do* have practical experience. :laugh:

Managed to catch our usual postie this morning and gave him his Christmas Box. It's lovely to put a smile on someone's face.

Just chilling out with a :cuppa:
I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.

Waheyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :girldance:
Bit later this morning on the dog walk had to take Mrs 73 to the station for her early train for her mandatory training day.
Once done call into town , called in to the market for quick look round. Only to find the stall I use for pork pies and gammon has closed. :sad:
Now need to work out a replacement for Christmas not sure who to try. The best placers have all closed over the last few years.

I'd recommend the Tesco's Melton Mowbray pork pie - the one in the union jack wrapper. It's what I buy for myself, and it's very good. This time of year, they do giant ones, but in red wrappers. Tesco's "Finest" pie (in the grey box) is also very nice, but I do think the slightly cheaper pie is actually better.

Again, gammon. Tesco's "Finest" is what I buy. My personal preference is for smoked, but they do an unsmoked one as well. It's really worth spending the premium here. I cook it according the Hairy Bikers' method, but if it's a small joint, I generally don't bother with the first stage of bringing it to the boil in plain water and then discarding the water before cooking it in stock. Usual glaze is honey & English mustard laced with ground allspice.
Thanks. Sounds about right.
The only upside, possibly, of that is when they do the earthworks that new finds are made.

On the new A14 in Cambridgeshire, unknown settlements were discovered and investigated.

They are being very secretive about what they are actually doing . If a world heritage organisation are thinking of removing Stone Henge from its lists if the government carries out it's plan then there must be something which they don't approve of.
I think a planning application for a tunnel under Mark Harper's home should be submitted .


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
They are being very secretive about what they are actually doing . If a world heritage organisation are thinking of removing Stone Henge from its lists if the government carries out it's plan then there must be something which they don't approve of.
I think a planning application for a tunnel under Mark Harper's home should be submitted .

I think the planned tunnel is 3km long but the world heritage site is 5km so it would harm the heritage site at the two tunnel ends.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.

Great news!


You can't make this up been on the phone to currys for nearly 2 hours trying to get a promotional code. For a promotion they had running over black Friday. Taken the 6th person to sort it, the 1st one cut me off , 2rd past me on to online team who told be it was my job to prove.The promotion actually happened. The 4th just went round in circles, the 5th told be what did she want her to do about. As the website has no promotion. So after a few choice word from be as to what I thought about the whole thing. She passed me onto technical support. Finally an english voice and without any fuss soon had it fixed. Hopefully that is still waiting for the email with said code.
If this turns out to be a dead duck too the item is going back. Never did like currys
Currys / PC World as was have been on my never ever buy anything from list for a couple of decades.
I think the planned tunnel is 3km long but the world heritage site is 5km so it would harm the heritage site at the two tunnel ends.

The picture they are showing has a flat ceiling to it so they are not going to bore a hole but dig a huge trench and back fill.

I think it is in the last 20 years that they have discovered connections between the sites . Durrington Walls they think was where the workers who built the henge lived . It was also a place where there were huge celebration feasts held. They haven't said where the people who built Durrington Walls lived or who supplied all of the food for the workers.
They think that the first stone circle of blue stones came from a henge in Wales. A bit of recycling.
It was a bit like a Glastonbury of it's day with people travelling large distances to get there.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Main shopping mostly sorted with considerable damage to my bank account.
In Aldi got a phone call inviting me to Vale of Leven hospital on January 4th which I declined as impossible. These mainlanders have no idea of travel problems from an island so settled on 11th January.
Better than trying to get to Paisley hospital but in January is weather dependent and not too sure about driving there. I can go to my mainland base but if I did not have that I would need to leave home at 0500 for an early ferry and get home very late evening if lucky with weather.
DIL is investigating patient transport as she was Administrator in a care home so knows about such things.


I'd recommend the Tesco's Melton Mowbray pork pie - the one in the union jack wrapper. It's what I buy for myself, and it's very good. This time of year, they do giant ones, but in red wrappers. Tesco's "Finest" pie (in the grey box) is also very nice, but I do think the slightly cheaper pie is actually better.

Again, gammon. Tesco's "Finest" is what I buy. My personal preference is for smoked, but they do an unsmoked one as well. It's really worth spending the premium here. I cook it according the Hairy Bikers' method, but if it's a small joint, I generally don't bother with the first stage of bringing it to the boil in plain water and then discarding the water before cooking it in stock. Usual glaze is honey & English mustard laced with ground allspice.
Thanks nice to know.
I do like tesco ones so worth having a look at what ours has in. Funny enough I also use the Hairy Bikers way when cooking gammon.


Leg End Member
I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.
Good news.
Does this mean you'll be continuing your painting at the church, the gardening, the home decorating, the....
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