Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed under grey but dry skies .
Mild and squelchy here chez Casa Reynard, but at least it's stopped raining.

Slept well, but still feel somewhat under-the-weather. Have done a bunch of laundry this morning, tidied up some stuff in the utility room and found a spare cardboard crate for my job lot of tangerines. I plan on having a quiet-ish afternoon. I do need to finish tidying up in the utility room, top up the log bins in the house and hang up the laundry to dry, but it's stuff that I can do at a gentle pace.

I have nearly finished the initial catalogue of those engineering drawings. I've got about 15 photos left to look at (these are mostly engine related) and I've got scans 18 sketches and back-of-a-fag-packet type calculations to get my head around. I've been doing about three hours or so a night on these for the last three weeks, not counting the full day spent cataloguing and photographing the stuff on site, or the time spent reading articles and furkling through the digitized section IMechE archive. I do need to go through everything again to make sure there's nothing I've overlooked, especially since I'm now considerably more educated about these projects now that I was going in. And then I need to compile a record of which drawing corresponds to a) photo and b) which project.

The most satisfying (but also frustrating) part has been sorting out the drawings for the engine parts and establishing which engine belonged to which car - and their provenance. Most of the material online either doesn't have complete information, there's plenty of conflicting information doing the rounds as well, and anything like a forum or wikipedia, you have to take with a goodly pinch of salt as well. My big breakthrough (thanks to a rough note scribbled on the corner of one of the drawings) has been pinning a customer / order number from the engine manufacturer to a specific person, and thence pinning two of the three engines of this particular type that this person was known to have owned, to one of the cars we are dealing with. The car in question still exists, albeit on display in a museum.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken...
Will he help with meals, laundry (or at least do his own) or anything else? Can he help you in the garden?

I can understand why you have mixed feelings. The lady next door to me has often had her daughter, and/or her grandsons temporarily living with her.

he's in the middle of an emotional trauma. we're not quite doing a suicide watch, but he was a zombie for the 1st week. we do have him help around the house. still paying 1/2 the rent at his girlfriend's apt. (which may become an "ex") so we're not asking for $$ right now


You can't make this up been on the phone to currys for nearly 2 hours trying to get a promotional code. For a promotion they had running over black Friday. Taken the 6th person to sort it, the 1st one cut me off , 2rd past me on to online team who told be it was my job to prove.The promotion actually happened. The 4th just went round in circles, the 5th told be what did she want her to do about. As the website has no promotion. So after a few choice word from be as to what I thought about the whole thing. She passed me onto technical support. Finally an english voice and without any fuss soon had it fixed. Hopefully that is still waiting for the email with said code.
If this turns out to be a dead duck too the item is going back. Never did like currys
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Legendary Member
After more nagging from the family, I've just had a phone consultation with the GP surgery and have been prescribed antibiotics to try to knock whatever I've got on the head. I'll give it until the school run has finished before going out to collect them.

Due to the grotty weather I've had an indoor day getting a duvet washed, the vacuuming done and the kitchen floor mopped. This brings another problem as the kitchen floor is still wet and the car keys are on the kitchen table...


Legendary Member
I've had a WhatsApp message from an unidentified American phone number.:wacko:


I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.


Legendary Member
I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.

Great news


Legendary Member
I suppose i should put this in two other sections,but my head tells me more Chatters come here.So after coming back from hospital and we were told of the very important scan results.This is what we have told our children,these are Mrs P's words.Just back from hospital PET scan shows no sign of cancer.Dad will complete treatment and then be monitored.:hyper:I am in shock still i am more emotional than when i was told i had cancer.

Brilliant news. A reason for celebrations.
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