Mundane News

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Talking of Dorset, I'm glad this wasn't around when I used to go swimming at Durdle Door :laugh:
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Vice Admiral
And on a related subject our son has some sort of internal tissue build up / growth inside his head in the vicinity of his ear which they think is benign but are investigating further. He can't hear properly on the affected side and was wearing headphones to listen to various things until that became uncomfortable. He's since tried out some Bone Conduction headphones and they have transformed his hearing, no more discomfort and his stereo hearing is back.
The Patient has a prolactinoma. This is a type of brain tumour but should be treatable with medication rather than surgical procedure. The medication is strong and has side effects. People can have prolactinomas which may take years to diagnose. I have a very informative leaflet from the Pituitary Foundation.

I am comparatively fit and healthy, so it is better if can make some of the adjustments like wearing headphones to blot out the noise. He seems to enjoy watching programmes which are a long way from my choice.

The headphones have been ordered.
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Vice Admiral
A question for @Reynard perhaps. I am going to try knitting these. I will be using brightly coloured bits of wool rather than all green as shown in the picture.

It says at the end to use sugary water to "starch" them. I don't think that is a good idea, is there another way of starching small woollen items?

I saw young puppy Teddy yesterday. He was wearing a very smart red "coat". He seems to prefer walking round in circles rather than in a straight line. :scratch:


Old Harry's wife looks precarious!!

I think I remember the arch being there, but i may well be misremembering as I'm not sure when it fell into the sea. We used to visit the IOW regularly and you could see Old Harry from there and visualise how it was once all joined up.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Poured rain a lot of today.
Ferry not very busy and my original tickets were accepted no question despite being sent new etickets. The return trip is still a mystery as my etickets tell me the ferry is at 1225 but the timetable says 1200. All the staff I spoke to say 1225 despite what is published.
Oban not very busy and got parked near the door at Aldi for a few essentials before heading out to my son's place. Oban town streets as well not as busy as I expected.
Son's cat Buffy is overweight so is on a diet. Since they got the cat which was a rescue cat my elder son had it has gained weight but the vet thinks due to her age it is not necessarily too bad as apparently older cats tend to be underweight.
Forecast for tomorrow looks reasonable so hope to get out on trike somewhere different and there is a cyclepath if the sun is too low for safety.
It's been a grey and squelchy kind of day here chez Casa Reynard. Very mild though, but it hosed it down for most of the morning and afternoon.

Slept really well. Slept in. Well, I woke up at half ten, thought "just another half an hour", turned over and went back to sleep, and the next thing I know, it's quarter past one. Whoops.

Anyways, I have had a quiet day. No cooking, no engineering drawings etc. Just chilling and listening & watching various football. Lovely to see the Arsenal ladies give Chelsea a bit of a walloping. And Chelsea men lost too. Shame the Spuds men's team won, but we can't have everything now, can we? The only constructive thing I have done today is write all my Christmas cards. Which means I can consign them to the post tomorrow afternoon when I go to drop off the parental's prescription.

I've also taken a pack with two pork steaks out of the freezer. I shall probably do those in an onion gravy.

Oh, and out-of-the-blue, I've been offered another cat by the breeder who pissed me around over that chocolate tortie back in the autumn. Thinking back on it, I'm not sure they were entirely serious about rehoming her, but hey ho. But it turns out they're neutering another one of their breeding queens (this one a caramel tortie) in the new year because they've had no takers for kittens recently, and still have most of their last two litters at home. I fired them back an e-mail. It's always worth investigating, and the fact they've got back in touch with me gives me a bargaining chip.

Madam Lexi has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.
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