Mundane News

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Unexpected bonus tonight. We havnt been eating well lately, more just eat to live, eat quick, simple. Tonight, two eggs on toast and 4 slices of black's not enough to see me through the night but hey-ho.
Enjoyed that, 20 minutes later, went in the see the leftovers from last nights Chinese takeaway....yayyyyyyyy
It's been a mostly dry day here chez Casa Reynard after yesterday afternoon/evening deluge.

Slept well, though felt the need to get up during the night and grab a hot water bottle to cuddle as for some reason I just wasn't quite warm enough.

Spent the morning making a big pot of vegetable & pasta soup. This afternoon was spent erranding. A birthday present was acquired for a very dear friend, a birthday card was acquired for the parental unit, and the last of the Christmas presents (a cheese selection) was also acquired. I also picked up the bits in Tesco that I couldn't get on Sunday, and last but not least, two starter thingies for the light strip in the kitchen from the local hardware place. OK, they're more spendy than Screwfix, but at least I don't have to drive to Witchford.

Had a lovely supper of a big bowl of the aforementioned soup, a turkey & avocado sandwich and a generous serving of raspberries. Oh, and a nice :cuppa: of course.

Oh joy, someone's just hacked up a furball. Scuse me while I go and clean up the mess...


Legendary Member
So much for getting out and about in the sunshine. I put a load of washing in the machine and left it to do its thing while I had a quick lunch (which was in truth breakfast about 4 hours late), changed the bedding and then sat down with a mug of coffee waiting for the washing to be finished. Having been rudely awoken by the beeping machine a while later, the coffee was re-heated in the microwave and the washing arranged on the clothes horse. By then it was getting dark so another day had been written off.

On the bright side, a band I've wanted to see for a while have announced a tour, so that's another night away booked in March.
For various reasons, over the years, the number of presents I "need" to get has diminished considerably.

Choosing and making or purchasing presents should be a pleasure.

My presents, except for the aforementioned cheese selection, cat treats, dog treats and the biskits for the postie and bin / recycling bods are home made. All my friends will be getting a jar of either chutney, marmalade or jam.

I have some very festive orange & cranberry marmalade this year.
Must be a 'tortie' thing.

Madam Lexi isn't a tortie! :laugh:

Although sometimes she thinks she is... :whistle:
I was most disappointed with my ride yesterday! I had extended thinking that it was going to be at least 5 more miles than normal. I measured it on an OS map and it came out as 1 more mile ! Sod that ! I claimed 2 more after all the effort of the long drag from Lacock to Corsham . I had swapped the Obit Italia over for my Viscount Aerospace Sport. The ride was alright apart from my arms aching . I will have to compare both bikes to see what the difference is . I won't be riding today as it is tipping down . I've got 89 miles left to do .
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