Mundane News

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Sunny Dorchester beckons this morning ❄️☀️


A train ride to Dorchester today. Start at Copper Street Brewery then on to the Blue Raddle for lunch. We're being joined by a friends son who now lives in Marseille. I remember him as a boy, he's now a grey bearded man!


Legendary Member
Dry and calm on this morning's perambulation. Hopefully it will brighten up into a nice day. Half day today so hopefully will get a few miles in but need to go to the bank first.

Two Berocca tablets had somehow turned through 90 degrees and got wedged in the tube. They were surprisingly difficult to dislodge as I didn't want to break them and the usual tap on the counter didn't work.


A train ride to Dorchester today. Start at Copper Street Brewery then on to the Blue Raddle for lunch. We're being joined by a friends son who now lives in Marseille. I remember him as a boy, he's now a grey bearded man!

I just realised that I am repeating myself about my trip to Dorchester. In my defence I also frequent a sub forum where the elderly and retired go to regale each other with tales of wonder and delight 😉
Sometimes I forget where I am...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A grey damp morning with no signs of improvement.
Nothing planned but need to sort out all sorts of junk to go to either the clothing bank or landfill.
Yesterday had a bit of entertainment watching a workboat trying to get alongside the pontoons against the wind.
He managed to get a bow rope to the pontoon but could not get the stern in. Boats have different reactions under power which are not always obvious but it seemed to me he was not taking advantage of propeller steer to get the stern in.
Amazing things an outside observer can advise with no idea of the handling characteristics of the boat. :unsure:

I am not going to mention Calmac this morning so better go for my coffee before I dig a bigger hole for myself.


Leg End Member
It is dark out but there is a clear sky. I can see that someone has taken a huge chuck out of the moon and there is a very bright star near to it . Not sure if we have a frost or not .
Just checked outside and we also have a huge chunk of the moon missing and a little star to the left of it at about 8 o clock so to speak.
T'is the beginning I tell ye...
The beginning of the end, the end...


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
If ever you think you're bein environmentally friendly by not driving to the shops and havung goodies delivered. .


That's ⅔ of the staff car park where I'm unloading.
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