Mundane News

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Legendary Member
The latest round of squats and lunges the physioterrorist has prescribed are tough.:sweat:

Homemade soup consumed, brief walk completed, library business completed and back home again.


Legendary Member
I'm not the biggest fan of Bah! Humbug! Decorations but I like these chaps outside one of my local pubs.


Smokers use them as something to lean against or sit on when they come outside.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hope all goes well for you.

Life does sound difficult at times Ferry problems weather etc

I admire your resilience 👍👍👍

Thanks for that.
I did not mention the other ferry problems ( which did not affect me ) which beset travellers. If written in a fiction piece they would be written off as fanciful.
The new computerised booking and ticketing system Calmac have must be near a nervous breakdown.


50p refunded by Asda, well added onto their rewards. For some reason a 50p off £3 worth of biscuits failed to work on Tuesday, or rather did only to be immediately voided. Made for a brief highlight in a miserable day weather wise with an afternoon meeting in town achieved by the use of the bus both ways rather than the hoped for walk in at least one direction. Even then walking to the stop for the homeward journey entailed something of a leap over a wide puddle than otherwise obstructed the pedestrian route.
Kizzy very rarely sits on my lap. Sometimes she attempts to sit on the arm of chair, then walks over me, then sits on the other arm of the chair.

I think she was absent from kitten school on the day they taught "How to sit on people".

awww, I know the disappointment. our last 3 were of feral descent & only 1 (the female) warmed up to our Daughter. still wouldn't sit on her but got real close & slept on her pillow leaning on Daughter's head, for years

1 of the boys would come up at night & lie on the bed next to me, but not touching me. he allowed some petting but not for long, or I would get a puncture in my hand

the other boy would sometimes join us on the bed, as-if, "hey I want to play too" but that kinda spooked the 1st one & after 5 calm minutes, they would run off & wrestle

I'll never assume I can explain a cat brain. tempted sometimes, but really, I'm clueless
Right, and breathe... That was a bonkers afternoon and evening.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with corned beef & chutney (apricot & peach, it's very good), one with vintage cheddar cheese, plus an apple, a minneola and two :cuppa:

Prepped my fruit for jam. Five Green Harvey apples peeled, cored and chopped, and six punnets of raspberries cleaned and sorted. Had to pick out some damaged ones, and replaced with fruit from some of the remaining punnets. Set fruit on to cook. Tell parental to keep an eye on that while I get jars from the utility room, split a case of logs and carry out some chores. Come back inside to find parental absorbed in her book, the fruit boiling over, and the juice spilling out onto the hob and thence over the edge, down the oven and all over the kitchen floor.

Take fruit off the heat. Not burned, thank goodness, there's still a good bit of juice in the pan. Clean the hob (how the parental didn't smell the fruit juice burning on the hob, I shall never know), clean the oven and then clean the kitchen floor.

Put the fruit into a clean pan and weigh. I've lost half a pound from my original starting weight of 3lbs of fruit. Am nearly an hour late on starting to make the jam. Anyways, jam made and it's bloody lovely, but thanks to mum's inattention, I'm down two jars. So I've none to give away. Well, mum wanted to give some away, but I've put my foot down.

So late cooking supper, although it wasn't a major faff tonight. Had a fabulous meal of medium rare beef fillet, a jacket potato, steamed savoy cabbage and a garlic butter sauce made in the pan from the beef while the meat was resting. :hungry:

I've only really just sat down to chill. I need chocolate.


Legendary Member
Managed to get out for a much needed hour's slow and steady bike ride in this afternoon's blustery conditions. That was followed a little later by a phone call from my mum who had been informed of my man-flu status by my sister. Any signs of worry were ruined by her peals of laughter as I tried to speak/croak/squeak to explain the situation.

If you've not had the flu jab yet this year, I urge you to get one a.s.a.p as the past week has been one of the worst I've had for a long time.


Leg End Member
Near miss on a bus coming home earlier. Someone has made off with a set of temporary traffic lights*, leaving only two "talking" to each other.
The bus went straight on, the roadworks were on the opposite side, so I presume he felt he had priority. Met a car coming the other way.

They'd closed the road to buses/large vehicles, but not every driver had been told. The one headed in that direction hadn't been told about it being unsuitable either.

*Amateur's, they probably only want the £250 worth of batteries that were powering the lights, but couldn't get into the box.


Legendary Member
Kizzy very rarely sits on my lap. Sometimes she attempts to sit on the arm of chair, then walks over me, then sits on the other arm of the chair.

I think she was absent from kitten school on the day they taught "How to sit on people".

Think yourself lucky, my Kizzy is a 'treadle' monster plus she has a fondness for lick, lick, lick, chomp not hard enough to draw blood but enough to leave dents. :surrender:
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