Mundane News

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Grey, dull and damp here chez Casa Reynard. It's not raining... Yet.

Slept well, had a quiet morning doing a few chores and reading up some articles relating to the engines I'm trying to sort out. I'm now thinking that my "outlier" which is buggering up my nice neat workings is one left over from another project, and has been upgraded to match the spec of the other two as a "spare".

Otherwise I cannot think of why I would have an engine of that particular spec mixed in with stuff, as none of the other cars I'm dealing with - according to what information I've managed to dig up - actually used one of these. For cars that are largely very well documented, this is definitely something I wasn't expecting.

Although it's always in the back of my mind that someone, somewhere has made a blooper, and that it's been perpetuated.

This afternoon will be spent making raspberry & apple jam.

But first, it is time for luncheon.


Vice Admiral
If anyone is missing a shovel I think someone called Mr J may have it.

He will keep digging regardless. How the KC keeps to his cool level-headed style of questionning is admirable.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather just now even by our standards is evil. High wind and pouring rain.
Calmac have got a larger ferry today as the outer isles are stormbound. Unfortunately it is currently stormbound here and there are problems with the bow ramp so off service. The wind is supposed to abate soon so things may improve.
My medical visit not so good as they want me to go to Paisley hospital for some tests. Very keen GP had Debbie my practice nurse in to get even more blood samples. We know each other well enough to joke about it. G-d not you again. :laugh:
This is where things get complicated as for an outpatient visit I would need to spend about 3 days and at least £300 possibly more if I drive there which I am not keen on. I would get some back and it used to be £37.50 B&B and a mileage allowance for fuel. This was when I took my wife down and for two people {I went as escort} it was not too bad and it may have risen since then.
This assumes all runs to plan but in winter nothing can be assumed.
Public transport is not an option and not sure about Patient Transport which also gets complicated. In theory I could leave my car at the ferry terminal on Mull and go over on foot to get collected at the ferry terminal at Oban and return the same way on the same day. This would mean getting up at 0500 and not getting home until goodness knows when. Not likely at my age.
My son would run me down if at home but he works in Taiwan and DIL uses public transport for any hospital visits she has.
Life on an island does have some disadvantages.:sad:
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My own final buy myself Xmas pressie ordered off bayofE.A six foot long red scarf.Why a scarf why red.Well if you love The Muppets Christmas carol,you will know.I love the scene.Scrooge is out and about greeting one and all,and sharing gifts,this is his first Xmas morning a changed man.He comes upon the two men who the evening before had been to his office to try and get a donation for the needy.His reply was on the lines of are there no workhouses let them die and reduce the surplus population.Well he gives them money and then one takes off his scarf and gives it to Scrooge as a gift,his reply is for me.he then places it around his neck,he continues his journey and finishes up with many followers outside Bob's home.I love that scene the gift and the reaction,so that is why a red scarf for me.


A day out tomorrow,Goosnargh near Preston.Taking fil shopping,well Mrs P will,i shall be cleaning bathroom and toilet,then when they get back off to Seniors fish and chip shop / Restaurant for our lunch,they are fantastic,then Barton Grange Garden Centre for cake and coffee,i might just get a mince pie.It's that time of year you know,then home to Leeds.


Just taken the dyson for a walk now time for a Christmas spiced :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Work finished for the day. It's better than yesterday but still not a particularly nice evening.

I'll do my exercises and then I'll return my library book as it's due today. Late night opening on Thursdays so I often go to the library after work on Thursdays. I lead such an exciting life!


Legendary Member
Weather just now even by our standards is evil. High wind and pouring rain.
Calmac have got a larger ferry today as the outer isles are stormbound. Unfortunately it is currently stormbound here and there are problems with the bow ramp so off service. The wind is supposed to abate soon so things may improve.
My medical visit not so good as they want me to go to Paisley hospital for some tests. Very keen GP had Debbie my practice nurse in to get even more blood samples. We know each other well enough to joke about it. G-d not you again. :laugh:
This is where things get complicated as for an outpatient visit I would need to spend about 3 days and at least £300 possibly more if I drive there which I am not keen on. I would get some back and it used to be £37.50 B&B and a mileage allowance for fuel. This was when I took my wife down and for two people {I went as escort} it was not too bad and it may have risen since then.
This assumes all runs to plan but in winter nothing can be assumed.
Public transport is not an option and not sure about Patient Transport which also gets complicated. In theory I could leave my car at the ferry terminal on Mull and go over on foot to get collected at the ferry terminal at Oban and return the same way on the same day. This would mean getting up at 0500 and not getting home until goodness knows when. Not likely at my age.
My son would run me down if at home but he works in Taiwan and DIL uses public transport for any hospital visits she has.
Life on an island does have some disadvantages.:sad:

Hope all goes well for you.

Life does sound difficult at times Ferry problems weather etc

I admire your resilience 👍👍👍
Georgie came in whilst I was having a nap. I haven't seen him all day although he must have sneaked in and had some of his breakfast . I went over to him whilst he was in his chair and gave him some good ear and chin rubs which he enjoyed, but he is very skittish and doesn't trust us. He sat on a stool watching the telly whilst we had our tea but has now gone back to his chair .
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