Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
My singing crow just landed on the treetop outside my window. Facing due south. fa-mi-re-re-do.

Bob and Kizzy have not had any arguments for a few weeks. It was never a big argument, just waving about of paws and lots of noise, about two or three times a week.

Bob used to spend a lot of time outdoors, and only occasionaly sat on my lap. Now he spends very little time out of doors, and a lot of time asleep or on my lap. Are the two things connected? Is he upset by thinking that Kizzy is now "the boss"?

trust your intuition. sibling jealousy. provide fair lap time


Legendary Member
That really was riveting - not


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
The bug my wife had, she's passed to me. Managed to walk the dog this morning but feeling tired, it was rather dark & didn't see a soul down the old railway line. There are usually a few people, even some schoolboys. At least it wasn't raining or slippery underfoot. Cassie turned her charms on a lady walking a BC, but she couldn't fuss her due to her dog's jealousy.

Currently testing a new to me PC (I5 4th gen) to replace my P3 Compaq Deskpro firewall which is rather ancient but has given excellent service. Hopefully the hard disk will pass the testing


Vice Admiral
I'm suffering from PCP. I get it around the same time every year. Pre-Christmas Paralysis. Steadily mounting anxiety and shopping listlessness. Anybody else?

PCP - Yes

I try to avoid all the madness that this season seems to generate. I have bought some presents, books from the local bookshop, and some new decorations (three hand-knitted snowmen).

E cards are extremely useful, there are some lovely ones with animation and music at Jacqui Lawson.


Well after trying for 48 hours with the new lens in my specs,i only need one due to having nearly no sight in the other,it's going back.They have given me cotton thin pinhead sized viewing in my reading part of the lens.Even watching telly is difficult.Long distance is not too bad,but blurred vision comes in far too quickly across and sideways,what they have done i have no idea.It's a good job i have 100 days to see if i am satisfied.There was too much faffing by one confused member of staff and another questioned a figure of the lens,sadly it's me that is struggling.
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