Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Looks like it's drizzling here but too dark bring on the lighter mornings.
Green recycling and brown garden waste bins are kerbside.


Not the view I would like to see on my way home. By sheer luck everything and everyone went each other's way. All ok.

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I've been rambling on on another thread and it has got me thinking! I used to watch programmes like "Flog It" and similar programmes where people are told how much their items are worth and then get ripped off when it goes to auction . They get told that that was the true market value of the item. Then you see a programme like "Make Me a Dealer" where the contestants go to an auction to buy items which they will then go on to sell to make a profit!
So if you look at it logically the person who sold their item on "Flog It" are being ripped off! They aren't getting the true value for their item, they are also paying commission on that sale. The dealer who is most likely to have bought their item will also pay commission and then go on to make a profit by selling it on again. A lot of the time it seems like the items are sold to jewelers. There seems to be a lot of middle men making their profit .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Total change in weather this morning. Wet and very windy and still quite dark. Looks nasty outside but did not look at the outside temperature. The house is colder inside due to a draught coming in a window vent which I cannot reach nowadays but will have to try somehow to block.
First Christmas card arrived yesterday.
Came from Fife Country Clothing and promises me a free pair of bamboo socks. Trouble is I have to buy something and I only get the socks so long as stocks last. Unfortunately I don't really need anything just now so bang go my new socks.

Cannot let a day go by without mention of ferry services. It is currently at the stage of make a timetable up as you go along and varies from day to day. I am booked off on Sunday but now have no idea when until probably Sunday morning.

Summoned to see a GP this morning to review my latest round of tests. There did not seem any urgency but fingers crossed.
Probably medication for anaemia.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dull and overcast Suffolk where it's not raining - yet.

I'm starting to feel a bit more human this morning as I've not had a coughing fit for almost half an hour and the coffee is starting to taste like coffee. With any luck the online presentation I've got to attend in about half an hour will be an audio only one as I plan to be sitting around in a big, warm dressing gown.
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