Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with vintage cheddar & home made peach chutney, plus an apple, a minneola, half a small avocado and the obligatory two :cuppa:

All the wood in the trailer has been turned into logs. I didn't think I'd get it all done, but I did. Which means that the next dry interlude we have, I can go and fill it up again. And with it being set to turn a good deal milder, the current stash will last twice as long.

Green bin is out for collection in the morning (I put the wrong one out last week, whoops!), and I've tied the green bin bods' Christmas Box (aka a nice box of swanky biskits and a card) to the handle.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a roomboter speculaas blokje that Sinterklaas brought.

Well, actually, he bought it in Lidl. :laugh: Seriously though, if you guys have a Lidl nearby, I *REALLY* recommend that you try these. They are absolutely divine! :hungry:
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Vice Admiral

Bob and Kizzy have not had any arguments for a few weeks. It was never a big argument, just waving about of paws and lots of noise, about two or three times a week.

Bob used to spend a lot of time outdoors, and only occasionaly sat on my lap. Now he spends very little time out of doors, and a lot of time asleep or on my lap. Are the two things connected? Is he upset by thinking that Kizzy is now "the boss"?


Legendary Member
Evening ride cancelled due to wind and rain warnings. Horrible evening out, it was pretty much dark at 3pm.

I've taped a sheet of paper over one the vents in my sitting room as it is getting the wind on that side and there was an Arctic blast coming in. I keep meaning to replace all these vents with ones that can be closed on nights like this. The builder obviously used the cheapest available.
Georgie is being a very naughty boy!
We haven't seen him all evening ! In fact I don't think we have seen him since breakfast! So I have been out whistling for him . I have been up the garden with a torch whistling and shaking a can of his biscuit treats . I had reached the top of our garden and was about to give up when the little bu99er jumped out at me. He is too busy playing to come in . :angry:

Bob and Kizzy have not had any arguments for a few weeks. It was never a big argument, just waving about of paws and lots of noise, about two or three times a week.

Bob used to spend a lot of time outdoors, and only occasionaly sat on my lap. Now he spends very little time out of doors, and a lot of time asleep or on my lap. Are the two things connected? Is he upset by thinking that Kizzy is now "the boss"?

Well, you've been pretty stressed with stuff going on, so I reckon he's undoubtedly latched onto that.

Otherwise, he's probably being a typical cat and finding the warmest and most comfy spot in the house! ;)


Legendary Member
Finally made the effort to get out of the house mid-afternoon and managed a 3.5 mile walk to the local supermarket and back. Conditions were lovely - bright sunshine, light winds and just the right side of cold. Replenished my stock of paracetamol and tissues and also added a loaf of bread and some milk to the shop.

It wasn't exactly an arduous trip, but once home I made a glass of squash, sat down and dozed off for half an hour yet again!

The engine numbers I have on these drawings don't seem to be what convention says *ought* to match the cars in question.

So either I'm wrong and these belong to something else entirely, or, if I'm right, then a good few decades of established history is about to hit the can.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. First, I need to finish going through the drawings, and then, I get those records from the IMechE archive...
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