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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
On my morning bike ride I passed a car in a ditch at bottom of a hill today. Couple awaiting rescue truck. Still icy in morning despite the forecast being it’s warming up. Beautiful day.


Legendary Member
They're replacing the gas mains around here. Their records indicate that they've not been "upgraded" since they were put in, over sixty years ago. They hit one not shown on their map, as it were right where it shouldn't have been. Placed under the pavement, in a moment of common sense,* 44 years, when they replaced the cast iron mains.

*Someone had the bright idea to put the pipes under the pavements so they wouldn't have to dig the roads up if repairs were needed.

They ain't got a clue half the time. Many years ago I lived in a flat in Stoneygate Leicester in a complex called Oliver Court, they replaced the gas mains on the street behind where the access to the garages and resident parking was and cut off the gas to our block, when one of the members of the residents management committee went to tell them of this she was told "You don't have gas" and he was most put out when told "why do you send me gas bills then"


Leg End Member
They ain't got a clue half the time. Many years ago I lived in a flat in Stoneygate Leicester in a complex called Oliver Court, they replaced the gas mains on the street behind where the access to the garages and resident parking was and cut off the gas to our block, when one of the members of the residents management committee went to tell them of this she was told "You don't have gas" and he was most put out when told "why do you send me gas bills then"
Trying to convince them, when there's a leak, that the pipe is under the pavement, not the road isn't easy.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've just unjammed a fooking massive jam in the office shredder, which had defeated the others who tried to sort it.

I did a dance in celebration down the length of the office.

Did the dance involve an arial clicking of heels? 🤔


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I took Bonnie out for walkies at about 09:15 this morning and the paths were very icy!
Luckily, it'd got above zero (+1) before I ventured out on the bike. Still had to take it carefully in the shady bits.. Cold & sunny but lovely cycling weather once I started moving & warming up a bit, plus dropping into a friends for coffee and cakes 👍

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Now if I can just find the recipe

Bright, sunny and cold here chez Casa Reynard after a sharp overnight frost.

Slept well. Have had a quiet morning doing paperwork. This afternoon I shall be sawing up firewood as it's pretty well much the only dry day of the week and the stash in the garage needs to be re-stocked after the cold spell.

Sinterklaas did stop by. He brought speculoos and marzipan fruits, plus some spendables for me and a book for the parental.

Have made a bit of a breakthrough with the drawings. I'm dealing with upgrade and maintenance parts for two engines (the drawing with the four engine ID codes ended up being a bit of a red herring), and both of those engines belong to the same project. The supercharger parts I logged the other day, I'm pretty certain that they are related to these two particular engines as well. I will still ask for the records to be pulled out of the IMechE archive, as it's good to get these details nailed down right and tight.

I had better let Madam Lexi in as she's currently outside and it's time for her chicken and it's time for luncheon.
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