Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
How would anyone know who took an angle grinder to it.. Just saying. 😏

In Littlemill distillery we had a large and well equipped workshop. For some unknown to me reason there were bolt cutters with about 3 ft handles. They were used to cut the chain on a gate the local estate had illegally closed. Allegedly distillery employees were poaching game and judging by the smell coming from the pot on the cooperage stove that may well have been true. The estate demanded I stop them doing this but I could only point out that what they did outwith working hours was not my responsibility.


Vice Admiral
My internet provider is due to change on Thursday. If it does not go according to plan, please remember I said, so that nobody thinks I have gone on holiday. :scratch:


Scandal @ Lidl's apparently... They've been using Baker's Yeast in some of their Sourdough bread!!


Most supermarket sourdough bread is not true sourdough but a mix of stuff. A few years ago the Real Bread Campaign went to court over tescos in-store version.


Legendary Member
I don't think it really stopped freezing here all day.

Physioterrorist happy with my progress and now updated exercise list to work on. She measured the the force I could generate with my glutes and apparently there's over 20% imbalance so I need to work on that. Anything over 10% imbalance is a problem apparently. Probably a result of the 4 months I wasn't allowed to put weight on my dodgy ankle.
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