Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
black bin by gate ready for tomorro’s collection

Just brought mine down after today's collection.

Went to get Mrs MY's newspaper, as she is poorly. Remembered milk, forgot eggs.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not a cloud in the sky but a change to wet and windy is forecast with a rise in temperature.
Tried to go for a walk but all the off road tracks were still icy so not safe for me to walk on without danger of slipping.

I am not the only one bemused by the Calmac ferry text messages. Lots of suggestions ranging from a 2" swell at the linkspan to skipper slept in but nobody seems to know for sure. Bad weather is indeed forecast and they are doing a one day return trip Oban/Lochboisdale before the gales tomorrow and on the return trip the ferry is calling at Craignure to take as many vehicles as possible.
While I was out today the post van flew past inbound about 1330 so everything is late. That van does not hang about.
While driving into bright sunshine and then into a shaded bit passed a runner on the roadway in dark clothing in the shade and almost invisible. I did give him a wide berth but some probably did not even see him.

OVO has announced I am paying more than necessary and are reducing my DD by £7 per month based on the last reading.
Big deal and will certainly mean demands for more as their prediction is nonsense and based on autumn temperatures.
Cannot be bothered changing this so it can wait till they realise their mistake.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A nearby neighbour has got their deccies up.. 😵‍💫


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Collected a couple of new tyres from sorting office. Had the postie knocked loud enough at date / time noted on card, they would have found out I was in, just upstairs at time. Would have saved them the time of writing out a card. Anyway will fit new tyre tomorrow morning.
It's been a cold, grey and drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept very well, and in fact, I overslept massively. But my head is a lot clearer today. I did nothing much this morning, but this afternoon was spent putting shopping away, re-jigging cupboards and fridges and the like and catching up with chores. As a result, the utility room is a LOT tidier.

I've also been researching a group of parts I catalogued last night. Turns out they're for a Marshall supercharger, which is a kind of Roots blower. Some of the parts seem to be off-the-shelf, but other bits are decidedly bespoke. Incidentally, the company concerned also made aircraft cabin pressurisers for the V-bombers.

Just sitting by the fire with a :cuppa: right now.


All at sea⛵
Dredged the bottom of the barrel today.
Faffed about on organisational matters.
Engaged with enabling a QR donations scheme. Ever the optimist.

Cycled to meet other grey people to try and resolve a right of way that has been arbitrarily closed. That is wrong and means a large detour for me, and others, walking or cycling in the town.
But bureaucracy will prevail. Seems we pay them to stick to the rules they made up.

An angle grinder and 2 minutes would open the gate. I have been told that citizen action is inappropriate.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dredged the bottom of the barrel today.
Faffed about on organisational matters.
Engaged with enabling a QR donations scheme. Ever the optimist.

Cycled to meet other grey people to try and resolve a right of way that has been arbitrarily closed. That is wrong and means a large detour for me, and others, walking or cycling in the town.
But bureaucracy will prevail. Seems we pay them to stick to the rules they made up.

An angle grinder and 2 minutes would open the gate. I have been told that citizen action is inappropriate.

Surely if it is an established right of way it is illegal to close it unless a convenient alternative is offered.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Dredged the bottom of the barrel today.
Faffed about on organisational matters.
Engaged with enabling a QR donations scheme. Ever the optimist.

Cycled to meet other grey people to try and resolve a right of way that has been arbitrarily closed. That is wrong and means a large detour for me, and others, walking or cycling in the town.
But bureaucracy will prevail. Seems we pay them to stick to the rules they made up.

An angle grinder and 2 minutes would open the gate. I have been told that citizen action is inappropriate.

How would anyone know who took an angle grinder to it.. Just saying. 😏
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