Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Pavements were a bit icy in places this morning so caution was required.

The councils invest a lot of time and money into treating the roads but they never bother with the pavements. Clearly cars are at the top of the tree.

I have a physio appointment later. Hopefully the car will have defrosted by then! The joys of no longer having to drive to work. Years ago, I used to cover part of the radiator of my MkI Golf diesel in weather like this or otherwise it took an age to get to temperature.


Über Member
Working from home again today, cats & fishes fed. Outside birds nuts replenished, recycling bins out and currently having breakfast at my desk. Weather is awful at the moment, dark & very wet. Didn't even bother opening the flap to the outside cat run as it would inevitably result in a settee full of steaming wet cats later. They're definitely not scared of water :laugh:.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another clear morning but no spectacular colours at sunrise. Still cold but above freezing according to the outside thermometer.
Sun is still too low for road safety and anytime it does appear will remain unsafe for weeks yet. The offroad route I could use is mostly in shade so pretty cold and uninteresting mainly so no real incentive to go there yet. If I had got a Full Fat trike which Kinetics had for sale then I could probably do a circuit but as they say "if wishes were horses etc"

FB has a new person here introducing themselves rather fulsomely. The ones who do that never seem to last long.

Must go for a walk when it warms up a bit as I am already beginning to stiffen up due to lack of exercise.


Itching to get back on my bike's
13c in kitchen


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You would almost think our ferry service is a comedy show sometimes.
Just had a blizzard of text messages.
I paraphrase

“ We have cancelled a lot of sailings tomorrow due to weather disruptions elsewhere
Oh no we hav’nt we have reinstated them because of weather disruption elsewhere
Well we have cancelled some of them
We have cancelled the early morning one anyway
Due to weather disruption and overhaul delays there is now an amended timetable.”

They forgot to add “If travelling, good luck and may the Gods be with you.”:wacko:


Legendary Member
Another belated greeting from grey and wet Suffolk. Still coughing and with a throat that feels like it's been sandpapered, while you do not want to know what's coming out of my nose every time I blow it. I don't think I've slept this much for years - I blame the raising of the age for which you become eligible for the flu jab this year.

I am going to have to leave the house at some point today as I'm almost out of paracetamol.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It stopped drizzling as I was half around our walkies 🐶
Didn't matter tbh as we both had our waterproof coats on.
As it's Garden Bin Day tomorrow, I'm getting changed into gardening clothes now I'm back so I can sort out the plants the recent frosty weather has knobbled.
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