Mundane News

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À141, A142, they're bad roads for exactly the reason you quote. I used to do the 141 daily, single carriageway, occasional drivers prepared to take the happens all too often
Add the fact they're exposed Fen roads, ice can be a problem. I once drove to work New Years Day at you scanned the dark vista.,,I could see three sets of blue lights in the far distance, each dealing with an accident

The A10 between Downham Market and Cambridge is much the same. I like to keep a good space to the vehicle in front when driving on the A10 / A142 / A141 so that I can make an emergency stop in case of numpties. The number of drivers who see that space and then overtake into it... And it's not like they'll get where they're going any quicker...
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Legendary Member
I think I officially have man-flu 🤒

The heating is on, I'm wearing a long sleeced t-shirt, a thin fleece top and a fleece jacket while wrapped up in a very warm sleeping bag. My face is burning, but the rest of me is shivering. Sore throat, blocked and runny nose at the same time and I keep dozing off.

I don't do unwell.


A Champion evening tonight.Mrs P and son and his girlfriend have gone to an hammerture panto,oh yes they have.So me and daughter who was in Leeds today for a meal get together have watched the fabulous Muppets Christmas,A certain Morris Micklewhite is a superb Scrooge.Lights out,tree lit, cheap Poundland lights all aglow and gas fire on a warm and cosy evening,now listening to carols from my list on Spotify,Postie is feeling very happy.


Leg End Member
Last night's Christmas party was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. When I started working for this company, Christmas parties were huge affairs with love and, three course dinner, some free drinks and we're suit and tie affairs.

Apparently, the reason they didn't have one this year as so many people said they'd go and didn't go that it cost a fortune and was very wasteful. I can understand that, but you'd think they'd give something towards individual teams who organised their own. We were reminded all week to bring enough money to cover the meal. We did get a complementary glass of Prosecco, which isn't to my palate but was consumed anyway! Nice to meet all the people that I've been talking to on the phone for the past year but never met!

Time for a perambulation, going to be a cold and misty one this morning. I can barely see the other side of the road.
Who provided the love?


RM did deliver 14-15.Poor souls job is getting worse,and i understand later starting times will begin in the New Year,i can see many leaving.Sadly no packet arrived ah well Monday maybe.Tuesday hospital,Wednesday cafe visit Thursday hospital for a very very important scan,fingers crossed.If it goes pear shaped i don't know how i will feel.But i am confident,results within a week at the next clinic,fingers,arms,legs eyes,toes all crossed.


Tomorrow going to Otley Victorian Fayre,Miss P is helping at the RSPCA stall with her mate,and it seems she is going to be in period costume,so i must go and see her.Mrs P thinks it's a great idea of mine,so no church tomorrow.I might pop in to my fave cafe and explain why they have not seen me this year,it might be a shock for them.I am going to have to visit more 2024 to catch up.
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