Mundane News

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Tax forms delivered so the Tax Advisor can't use is as an excuse for lateness.

Now to look for another tax advisor as this was the tax form for for 2021, and for the rather large fee I pay her I expect a more rapid response.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I am wondering if RM deliver Saturday.I had a packet posted Thursday First Class,not here today.Gawd i was a Postie 1972 -83 before moving indoors for more money and easier overtime.Two deliveries a day,and finished at 10-00 on a Saturday.

Mail consisting of one catalogue delivered about half an hour ago. Just as well I salted my front path earlier.


Back from the Broadstone Parade. It was bitterly cold but sunny. This year, as well as classic cars and Motorbikes there were several very old Tractors and a float featuring old motorised Lawnmowers from " The Wimborne Lawnmower Society " Only one marching band this year but several local nursery groups / am dram / dance academies.


Just been watching The Smallest Show on Earth via film4. Not show stopper but a gentle harmless film ideal watching as I got on with a few bits of house work.
Having a :cuppa: then off for a nice walk round the block :cold: but wont be out too long just a quick 2 miles.
Best feed Charlie before I forget before I do much else.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
You need to take smaller steps or buy a bigger piano. :okay:




Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Frost never let up all day and same is forecast for tomorrow.
Only went out to the bin and to salt my path as tomorrow the recycling bin goes down to the roadside.

I hate winter as it has always meant trouble, mainly with transport.
In early days I cycled to the post office at 0530 regardless of weather and snow and ice created problems. Later when dealing with whisky and grain transport winter always caused delay which had to be worked round somehow as we were on 24/7 production and time lost could not be made up.
With our own business I had to be down to get the heating on by about 0700 for workers to start with warm conditions and warm machinery. For travelling on business there were appointments to keep regardless of conditions and the roads outwith the central belt could be a problem.
I notice adverts coming in which feature woolly hats similar to ones we were the first to manufacture. The prices asked are obscene and while it was a few years ago manufacturing costs cannot have gone up so much.
It's been a bitterly cold and foggy day here chez Casa Reynard. Visibility only about 20 meters, and the fog never lifted.

Did not sleep terribly well - slept, but not deeply, was always on the verge of waking up. Spent the morning doing firewood; log bins, splitting logs, that sort of thing. I've also moved a large supply of firewood that was stacked along the fence into the garage. This is stuff that still needs to be cut up, but given the weather that's due to come in, I'm much happier having it all completely under cover. There's no knowing when I can go for another trailer, as I need at least two dry days in a row for that wood to be of any use.

Had a lovely luncheon of a corned beef & chutney sandwich, an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon watching the snooker and listening to Arsenal v Wolves. Now listening to Forest v Everton while perusing listings on the Bay of E.

Regarding the engineering drawings, I now have components for three different gearboxes / drivetrains. One has been positively identified thanks to some information from another source that possesses drawings for this particular car, another belongs to one of two possibilities, though this is an 80:20 split in favour of one of them. I just need some additional confirmation in order to finally pin things down. Parts for a third gearbox turned up in some of the drawings I began to catalogue last night. I think I know what car it *might* belong to based on the drawing dates and the transmission type, but so far I've nothing that can corroborate that.

There is quite a lot riding on the completion of this catalogue, so I'm not going to make any unqualified assumptions as to which bits belong to what project. I can offer an opinion if I can't quite pin down the identity of something, but I'm not going to guess.
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