Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Very foggy here today. I can not see anything beyond the house opposite. and even that is slowly being envelopped in fog.


I can still remember collecting my first pair it was amazing in the difference,, I treated myself to a grated cheese and onion roll on the way back to work
Just walked back from town trying my new glasses out.
Wow is the word of the day.Everything seems so much more vibrant and sharper.They felt a bit funny and will take a little getting used to.
I'm glad I've got the transition lens in brown too.. Everything appears to be warm looking in the sunshine and the colours seem to pop more,
One happy customer 👍


Trip to Huntingdon resulted in my sat in stationary traffic for two hours on the A142 at Block Fen on the way home while a RTA was being dealt with. I got overtaken by a raft of vehicles with blue lights as I left Chatteris. Turned out it was a head on collision between an Audi saloon and a large transit-type van. Car left the scene on a low loader, wrapped up so couldn't see the damage, but the van was half in the roadside ditch with the front end pretty well much wiped out.

Sadly an all-too-common type of accident on that stretch of road. It's a very busy single carriageway whatever the time of day, and there's always some numpty who tries to overtake, and you really can't. There's just never enough gaps in the traffic.

Got home at half nine. Have had soup, a cheese toastie and a berry panna cotta.

And while I was sat there, I had to go and use a convenient hedge. The driver of the truck behind my car was pissing himself with laughter, but you know, when you gotta go, you gotta go...

À141, A142, they're bad roads for exactly the reason you quote. I used to do the 141 daily, single carriageway, occasional drivers prepared to take the happens all too often
Add the fact they're exposed Fen roads, ice can be a problem. I once drove to work New Years Day at you scanned the dark vista.,,I could see three sets of blue lights in the far distance, each dealing with an accident


Itching to get back on my bike's
Christmas tree is up and has lights on the decorations will be done by our interior design team aka our granddaughter


I am listening
to what i think is the best Christmas songs ever.A Christmas Gift For You.Phil Spector it never ages.
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