Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Still dark here but I don't think there was any frost.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Our grandson had a hell of a job to try to get a part time job with them over Christmas. They want the staff but their recruitment agency don't seem to know that and are looking for people with the skills of a brain surgeon! :angry:

My son got a temp job for 3 months up to Christmas about 25 years ago. He's still there albeit as a permanent job.

Good morning. -7°C but the sun is back, which is nice.


Just gone battle with the freezer now all cleaned out and defrosted ready for the Christmas stuff.
What food is still in it has been de-boxed and bagged up. How many potato waffles Mrs 73 needs is a mystery or veggie sausages.
If she can't find them she buys more :rolleyes:
Now cleaned up and dishes put away i'm having a :cuppa: and playing tunes on the kitchen HomePod. Currently little things by ABBA.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright sunny morning again but colder at minus 2.4C. No snow to be seen anywhere even on the higher mountains.
Only one car has been seen passing so far and it appeared to be creeping along so the road may be icy. Usually they come hammering past and think the 20mph sign actually reads 50mph

I need to brave my front path later and get the wheely bin down for uplifting on Monday. At least I think tomorrow is Monday as somehow I have lost track of what day it is and was convinced yesterday was Sunday.

A dilemma I have at this time is who do I send Christmas and New Year greetings to before they sent anything to me?
Are they still alive?
There are people I knew well in the past but we drift apart and only have contact at this time of year.
The general rule is I send electronic greetings to most and if there is no return greeting I assume they have died. In very few cases do they get an actual card and even family members just get a photo I think is appropriate.
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