Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Last night's Christmas party was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. When I started working for this company, Christmas parties were huge affairs with love and, three course dinner, some free drinks and we're suit and tie affairs.

Apparently, the reason they didn't have one this year as so many people said they'd go and didn't go that it cost a fortune and was very wasteful. I can understand that, but you'd think they'd give something towards individual teams who organised their own. We were reminded all week to bring enough money to cover the meal. We did get a complementary glass of Prosecco, which isn't to my palate but was consumed anyway! Nice to meet all the people that I've been talking to on the phone for the past year but never met!

Time for a perambulation, going to be a cold and misty one this morning. I can barely see the other side of the road.


Legendary Member
Last night's Christmas party was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. When I started working for this company, Christmas parties were huge affairs with love and, three course dinner, some free drinks and we're suit and tie affairs.

Apparently, the reason they didn't have one this year as so many people said they'd go and didn't go that it cost a fortune and was very wasteful. I can understand that, but you'd think they'd give something towards individual teams who organised their own. We were reminded all week to bring enough money to cover the meal. We did get a complementary glass of Prosecco, which isn't to my palate but was consumed anyway! Nice to meet all the people that I've been talking to on the phone for the past year but never met!

Time for a perambulation, going to be a cold and misty one this morning. I can barely see the other side of the road.


Notified yesterday that they had taken over Shell Energy.

We're with Octopus Energy and find them exceptionally good. They respond quickly to queries and have a UK based call centre. When I had an issue with my Smart meter installation they actually phoned me to apologise and offered an appointment to suit me. They seem to have a good ethos, hope they don't grow too quickly too soon and lose that.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another dry clear morning but frost on all the cars.
Apparently there has been a dump of snow on Glasgow and the airport is currently closed but no snow to be seen here even on the mountain tops.
The holiday house opposite has got christmas lights strung around and they were left on all night. Waste of electricity as well as annoying to those of us who can see them flashing all night.
£75 this month from PB. Not much but at least it seems to be consistent and will pay the fares and fuel for my next mainland trip.
Need to go and get the washing out of the machine and then coffee time.
I managed to catch a Greater Spotted Woodpecker on our bird feeder a few minutes ago. The picture is a bit fuzzy as it is frosty and foggy out. The Woodpecker can usually be heard calling out in the trees nearby.



-4 currently and roads now jamming up; Christmas Fayre, Ice Rink, traffic jam causing road train and quickly get too cold open top bus etc drawing people in. So whilst it was quieter a quick defrost of the car, having a heated windscreen definitely helps, to nip to Waitrose. Car park was verging on the slippy in places so decided that would be the full extent of shop visits today given my ease in falling over on ice.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a sub-zero Suffolk. Thick frost on the ground and mist in the air, so I'm not going anywhere for quite a while. Breakfast consisted of a mug of strong coffee and a couple of paracetamol to try and head off whatever I seem to have picked up.

Only £25 from Ernie this month, but it will cover the ticket cost for Marika Hackman in Brighton in March.
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