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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Morning campers.... It's chilly out! ❄

It's horrendous. I've had enough of it! :cold: 🧐
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I have been, not very successfully, trying to pull up a photo of a very faded blueprint in photoshop so that I can actually see what it's meant to be.

May have to admit defeat on this one. Some of these drawings are so faded that they really ought to go someplace where there's access to IR & X-ray photography (like what they do with old paintings) so that you can actually see what they are.

I am in dire need of chocolate.

I was thinking along those lines for my ghost letters on my bike frame. There a several letters left in the glue from a previous sticker .
Morning .
It is dark and foggy here with a frost on our cars . That about as much as I can see at the moment.
In Stuttgart.


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