Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Are you dancing in that outfit tomorrow night? How will you see where you are going?

I certainly will be, just had a large portion of carrots so normal vision should be fine 😁
I ordered a box of veg from the shop that delivers, and took up their suggestion of buying some mice pies.

Are the pies made from domestic mice, or wild ones being culled? Although I'm 95% vegetarian, I'm always game for a bit of ... well, game. But I'm not sure where field and wood mice come in that classification. Somewhere between grey squirrels and rabbits, probably ...
My friend and I went to a small cycle shop in Corsham this morning to try to get some freewheels removed . They were successful with my friend's but not with mine as it had 6 spokes missing . At least I was able to build up my friend's wheel this afternoon with a new freewheel. If it was up a bit tomorrow I will see if it has cured the chain from jumping .


Leg End Member
Yep, when I got up for work rather tgan before I went to bed! 🛏️
Normally done within minutes and you were late for the last one this year!


Legendary Member
? Decembers are announced tomorrow
The day before the minor prizes can be checked, they put a list of the £5000 & up prize winners online and you can see if you MAY be one of them - I order by area and see if there's any big winners with my holding:

If you order by holding low to high you can see how lucky some people can be with a small total amount held, although this case it's only taken 67 years for this winner.
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Legendary Member
Another day of doing very little successfully completed. A little bit of shopping, a little bit of bike riding and a lot of sitting around trying to keep warm. Don't know if it's the cold air of the past few days or if I've picked something up, but I've got a bit of a sore throat which I hope doesn't turn into something worse. It would be terrible if it did, just in time for me going back to work next week ^_^

Also there was another one of those electricity savings things today - this time from 16:30 to 18:00. By simply having tea a bit later than normal, using a Chromebook instead of the desktop and a battery radio instead of the mains one I've done my bit and possibly got a bit of cash back on the electricity bill as well.
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I have been, not very successfully, trying to pull up a photo of a very faded blueprint in photoshop so that I can actually see what it's meant to be.

May have to admit defeat on this one. Some of these drawings are so faded that they really ought to go someplace where there's access to IR & X-ray photography (like what they do with old paintings) so that you can actually see what they are.

I am in dire need of chocolate.
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