Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I ordered a box of veg from the shop that delivers, and took up their suggestion of buying some mice pies. They are on the spendy side at 50 pence each. But they are large with excellent pastry and just the right amount filling. The flour used tastes like it is 50/50 wholemeal/white flour. Also ordered some strong ginger biskits.

Yesterday I met the cavapoo puppy that lives in the house opposite. He has grown a lot in the last few weeks. Sadly his owner says that Teddy gets car sick. This could make it difficult to get to a Puppy Class. Do you know if he will he be less car sick as he gets older?
sitting in a tire shop having a nail dealt with
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that driver side rear is a magnet. this time a drywall screw

got it plugged, no charge, but tipped the kid
RSPCA calling round ?

really good with bubble & squeak. (i'll get my coat)


I ordered a box of veg from the shop that delivers, and took up their suggestion of buying some mice pies. They are on the spendy side at 50 pence each. But they are large with excellent pastry and just the right amount filling. The flour used tastes like it is 50/50 wholemeal/white flour. Also ordered some strong ginger biskits.

Yesterday I met the cavapoo puppy that lives in the house opposite. He has grown a lot in the last few weeks. Sadly his owner says that Teddy gets car sick. This could make it difficult to get to a Puppy Class. Do you know if he will he be less car sick as he gets older?

He may do it possibly not so much the travel but anxiety about being the car. Getting them us to being in there car can help, making it fun and homely, having place to bed down once inside helps too. Teats always help with positive connections. It's a slow process building up time spent in the car and see how he go's.
You can get sickness meds, ginger can help with the sickness too. The vet should be able to offer some general help or ask the dog trainer about it.


Interesting morning at work ended up running year 11 mocks. Chemistry and coordinated science. Spent most of it helping students with the questions lucky I know the subject They have teachers in the room for this (don't ask) More playing the exam league tables game.
Biggest problem is students just don't read questions or look at the data or diagrams which give you all the info you need.

Anyway once home quick trip to town than time to get the trimmings out. Just a few odd bits to move around but will do that when Mrs 73 at work. Will only be told to leave it alone , my autism say different.
Maybe a bit early for some but we are working round Mrs off duty every few spare days for us both to do it.
I bought Mrs 73 an advent calendar, she went out and bought a us both one. So it's been decided we are going to share the other one. So more chocolate all round :hyper:
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Had a lovely luncheon of a chunk of Melton Mowbray pork pie, then two slices of wholemeal toast with salami, plus an apple, a pear and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Re-filled all the assorted wood bins in the house. I have four: one each for kindling, small wood, medium logs and large chunks. Then I went out and sawed up about half a trailer's worth of logs. I had to stop because my log storage area in the garage is now overflowing. Also moved some lengths that I brought in the other week but had to leave propped up against the fence to dry. They are now dry, so I've lobbed them into the trailer and will deal with them as and when. The weather forecast keeps changing, so I need to make sure I've enough firewood under cover.

Have watched a bit of snooker, and now I'm surfing the 'net and supping a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cold miserable day even tho' the sun was shining. Tried a walk but gave up due to the freezing cold wind.
A bit disoriented as well because I kept thinking this was Saturday for some unknown reason.
Royal Mail sent an email that my package from SJS was at the local office and would be delivered before 1500. This was just after SJS emailed to say they had now despatched my order. Fast delivery?
In practice the package arrived 2 hours later.

Meantime I keep getting junk calls from a Manchester number. I block the current one and then later another one pops up .Mostly nobody answers and if anybody does it does not sound like a local accent before I junk it.

All photos of Calmac ferries have Caledonian MacBrayne painted along the side. This was not the case in the past until a raiding party from Tobermory took a RIB {rigid inflatable boat} during a bitter dispute when they were trying to close and abandon our pier and under cover of darkness at Oban they painted in large letters along the ship's side "Save Tobermory Pier". This was not noticed by Calmac until they were well underway to Barra and a party was slung over the side with black paint to cover the offending slogan. From then on all their ships had their own protective slogan. :rolleyes:
We were much more militant in those heady days with people jumping off the ferry and swimming for shore in Tobermory bay as the ferry was not coming alongside. Meantime others were jumping off the pier and swimming after the ferry.:ohmy:
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