Mundane News

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not much sun today, but better than the next few. won't be sunny again until Wednesday of next week. expecting a good dose of rain Sunday into Monday. cloudy before & after
Another nice but cold morning with some interesting colours as the sun rose. My camera phone didn't capture the colours properly.

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Half-day of enslavement today.

We're not having a proper works Christmas party this year so my manager has organised a Christmas dinner in a local pub for my team. He has been reminding us all week to bring enough money to cover our food! It's nice to work to the firm of Mr. E. Scrooge &Co.

very nice combination of light!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's still a little early for this...


Day off today, just took Digby for a 45 minute walk, suns out but still lots of frost on the ground. Quite refreshing despite my loathing of winter.
Cuppa sat beside me now, dogs fed and laid at my feet.
Brrrrrrrrrrrright, sunny and chhhhhhhhhhillllly here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Have had a quiet morning catching up on stuff. Shopping emptied from the car and stashed in the utility room. My car now smells of cheese, as I bought a goats milk camembert and some other cheeses from Lidl. I got home so late yesterday and with it being cold, I left the fridgeables in the car overnight.

The fire was still smouldering, so all I had to do was stick some smaller wood on and it's now blazing away quite merrily. I will need to re-stock the wood bins in the house this afternoon. I'll wrap up warm and cut up some logs from the lengths of wood that I hauled in the other day. I can't bring more in anyway until I empty the trailer.

Had my eye on a Bay of E auction that was due to finish this morning. Item was still at a reasonable price with some good wiggle room before it got to my maximum bid when I went to bed, but by the time I woke up, it was already well over what I'd intended to bid so I didn't bother. Ah well, no matter, if I'm patient enough another one will turn up soon enough - as is invariably the case with bling. People seem to forget that these things were mass produced...

Anyways, it's time for luncheon, although I shall also be watching the snooker as Ronnie O'Sullivan is playing.
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