Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Right, I'm now up to series 2:5 of Shetland and I still don't remember ever having seen it before. On the other hand, there was a barge in Lerwick harbour which looked exactly like the Bibby Stockholm. So I googled it and the Shetland Times puts it around 2016/7. So a little history now feels a bit more contemporary.


Leg End Member
It was frosty on the morning perambulation but warmed up nicely by a big bowl of porridge.

When I hear the traffic news on the radio I am pleased I no longer have to commute - delays here, there and everywhere.

Time to start work for the day.
I liked listening to the travel news mainly because it'd be motorways that got mentioned, traffic slow stationary between junction 26 & 27. Knowing full well I'd be using minor roads and "A" roads("L" and "R" roads over near you!).


Leg End Member
Another bright sunny morning but the frost seems to have gone overnight. The outside thermometer said 4.6C when I got up.
Forecast says another couple of cold days and then temp rising a little bit.
So far as medical services are concerned we seem to be not too bad here. The main problem is that what used to be an isolated practice with resident doctors is now run from a large combined practice based in Oban and we have a procession of different GP's. I have given up remembering their names unless it is of specific interest. They also sometimes have different opinions and there can be contradictions.
The Practice Nurse remains here tho' and knows more about the patients than the doctors frequently. Debbie for example has been sticking needles in me now for 13 years with a couple of intervals for maternity leave.
I have been on about addresses recently and now a strange one in that I placed an order with SJS. The invoice is to the correct address but the delivery address misses out part of that address. Why?
Postcode usage cuts out part of the full address. I make certain they have the full address, and aren't just working from the postcode.
Her Highness Lady Hyacinth Fondo is putting the finishing touches to a steak and ale pie. I'm not sure whether to go Carignan or Gamay?
Just the job!
Trip to Huntingdon resulted in my sat in stationary traffic for two hours on the A142 at Block Fen on the way home while a RTA was being dealt with. I got overtaken by a raft of vehicles with blue lights as I left Chatteris. Turned out it was a head on collision between an Audi saloon and a large transit-type van. Car left the scene on a low loader, wrapped up so couldn't see the damage, but the van was half in the roadside ditch with the front end pretty well much wiped out.

Sadly an all-too-common type of accident on that stretch of road. It's a very busy single carriageway whatever the time of day, and there's always some numpty who tries to overtake, and you really can't. There's just never enough gaps in the traffic.

Got home at half nine. Have had soup, a cheese toastie and a berry panna cotta.

And while I was sat there, I had to go and use a convenient hedge. The driver of the truck behind my car was pissing himself with laughter, but you know, when you gotta go, you gotta go...

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Okay, went and got it after a fun conversation with the chemist. One reason I really like this region is the friendly people and almost British standard humour.

My maternal grandfather's people were from a good bit north of you, Wasserloss, Stadt Alzenau, and they all had a wonderful sense of humor, except when they got the heave-ho in 1848. Last of my forebears to get kicked out of Europe and The British Isles for their sense of humor and participation in mischief, malarkey and shenanigans.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm up late dealing with submissions and queries from 450-500 students. Quite a number are trying to upload their submission as a file link rather than the file itself in order to avoid the plagiarism detection service, so I'm having to download the file and upload it manually: they're not that clever :okay:

Now guess which idiot set a submission time of midnight? :whistle:
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