Mundane News

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I've been in bed all day after being clobbered by some virus.It came on pretty quick, as on Tuesday I felt perfectly fine but when I got up on Wednesday morning at 4.30 I felt like I'd had 6 rounds with Mike Tyson.I went to work hoping it would ease but it got worse.
Managed to finish my shift but today I just couldn't face working outdoors again in the freezing cold and still feeling as rough as a badgers Arris so I've been in bed now for 19 Hours 😕


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Got out for a walk but still some surface ice around in bits with no sunshine. The main road out of town has no sun at all until about February so used to be a couple of miles where you exercised extreme caution when driving. No salt in those days and only gravel off the sea shore but today traffic was on that section going full blast even tho’ the road surface looked a bit doubtful.
There is a parking spot we call the doughnut and it has been recently resurfaced with coarse gravel. The boy racers have been playing on it doing full speed circuits leaving lots of damage.
A few years ago somebody put a memorial metal bench at the viewpoint but after a couple of months somebody cut it loose and it vanished overnight. Nobody local could have done that without getting caught as it was quite distinctive.
The photo is from the viewpoint.

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