Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Good frost here and clear blue skies
When I looked out of the window at 6am it was misty/foggy.
Just had a quick review of the trail camera and we had a hog visiting last night when it was -2 around 1am .
Off for a posh breakfast later


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another bright sunny morning but the frost seems to have gone overnight. The outside thermometer said 4.6C when I got up.
Forecast says another couple of cold days and then temp rising a little bit.
So far as medical services are concerned we seem to be not too bad here. The main problem is that what used to be an isolated practice with resident doctors is now run from a large combined practice based in Oban and we have a procession of different GP's. I have given up remembering their names unless it is of specific interest. They also sometimes have different opinions and there can be contradictions.
The Practice Nurse remains here tho' and knows more about the patients than the doctors frequently. Debbie for example has been sticking needles in me now for 13 years with a couple of intervals for maternity leave.
I have been on about addresses recently and now a strange one in that I placed an order with SJS. The invoice is to the correct address but the delivery address misses out part of that address. Why?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
The roof outside is still white from which I glean that it's cold. There are no magpies on the tree top so they're no use as weather vanes but plumes of steam from heating outlets are travelling briskly in a SSW direction indicating a NNE fairly fresh breeze. Maybe the cold and the breeze explains why there are no magpies on the tree top. That's this morning's armchair meteorology done for the morning.

Meanwhile, Cawruso the musical crow has given me a re-do-do-do version of its call, very ben marcato.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright, sunny and bitterly cold Suffolk. Don't know what the actual temperature is due to the malfunctioning outdoor sensor*, but it was somewhere between -3 and -5 earlier.
Poor night's sleep as I was disturbed at some point by the central heating boiler kicking in and then DHL thinking that well before 8am is a sensible time for a delivery.

*I have brought it in and left it for 36 hours next to the indoor unit to get an idea of by how much it's out, but a new unit is on the pressie list.


Morning .
It is grey out and looks frosty.
I will be back on the painting today. I put one coat on yesterday. The curtains will have to come down again and the skirting board will need rubbing down.
I lead an exciting life ! :whistle:

I have a door and door surround that need painting. I have told Mrs Tkk that it's a job that's best done in the summer as the paint will dry more quickly...


Itching to get back on my bike's
Nice walk back from dropping the car off , still frosty and in places icy .
Bright, sunny and bitterly cold here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well, even though I went to bed quite late. I am making real progress on identifying these drawings and working out which parts code belongs to which project. I'm also starting to be able to pin some of the drawings from external suppliers to projects, sometimes based on the notes scribbled on the drawings. And the back story between the people who commissioned these projects and the people who sponsored / bankrolled them is proving to be quite interesting too.

I've had a quietish morning doing things like bringing in firewood to top up the bins in the house, emptying the ashes from the grate (still hot) and taking the kitchen peelings to the compost bin. This afternoon I shall be driving to Huntington as I want to go to the big Lidl to pick up a few odds and sods for the hols. Their spiced biscuits are SO good.

Tesco doesn't have a good selection of biscuits this year, so I plan on acquiring stuff for the bin men, recycling teams and the postie's Christmas Box. I don't like putting beers out, and money is awkward, and *everyone* likes a good biskit.

Am going to have to scrape the car before I leave as there's a thick layer of ice on it. It didn't thaw yesterday, and now there's another layer. But I'm looking forward to try out my heated wing mirrors!

Anyways, it's time for luncheon and I has a hungry.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
My car (the 'prize' Honda CR-V) has passed it's MOT this morning without issue.

And this afternoon I'm sat in a government online education forum. Just why I'm not sure but I'm guessing 'senior management' are busy and the job of sitting in on it, and reporting back, kept coming down the levels until it landed on me. I've got no seniority any more, so couldn't drop it onto anyone else.
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