Mundane News

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Leg End Member
We have the first fall of snow!



Vice Admiral
Why I left the NHS.
Among other things I heard, about lost documents “…don’t worry about it, wait until (the patient)complains…then we’ll sort it out…”

Lost documents? If the patient suggests where you can find them, how would the patient know?

The patient knows that there is another person attending this clinic with the same name, but with a different date of birth. How do I know that? Every time I attended that clinic and gave my name, followed by my d o b, the response was, "Oh not that Miss Speicher", suggesting there are two Misses Speicher. My records could not possibly be with the other person's and no they were not even going to look.


:cold: and crisp morning dog walk it's -1and looks set for most of the morning. Soon be time to de-ice the car ready for work when I checked it this morning. It's that sort of bumpy stuck well on ice. No idea what Mrs 73 as done with the good scraper so look like the using the other one. Which never works even on the soft stuff. Best have another :cuppa: before I go to war with it.
The ones here were built in the early 1950's and are much sought after. I was speaking to an old boy in the local pub quite a few years ago. He had been a carpenter before the 2nd world war and returned to the trade after demob. He said the people building the houses knew they might well be living in them so there was an incentive to do things right.
A local ex council three bed semi built in the 50's has a larger floor area than a modern 4 bed detached.

I think our is just post war and is solid. It also has a long garden .


Octopus had one of those saving sessions where you are rewarded for using less elecricity which ran from 17:00 to 18:30 today which was perfect for me. I got home just before half past four and after a quick mug of coffee and a change of clothing I was out on the bike for an hour to get some food which covered a large part of that time. Bloody cold even that early in the evening though!

I signed up for that, only to be told that as my Smart meter was only fitted last week they didn't have sufficient data to do a comparison. I still get the notifications though. A friend popped round last night and he's with British Gas who are running the same scheme. It's promoted by the National Grid as it is cheaper to pay people to cut back on energy usage at that time than to bring a standby power station on line. There were about 24 sessions last winter and proved very popular with over a 70% of participants joining every session.
Paul Whitehouse was just talking on GMB a few minutes ago about fishing and the therapeutic effect of just sitting quietly by the side of a river , not actually catching fish but just listening and observing wildlife .
I find that being out on my bike has a similar effect although I need to slow down a bit . It is nice to stop on a bridge by a river and to see what is about . Fish sometimes , possibly a Heron and the last time I saw a Kingfisher. I haven't seen an otter yet which my brother has seen .
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