Mundane News

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Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


All at sea⛵
Well, a non day. Cold, took on the GP office to correct my prescriptions.
Where do they recruit the population of the NHS?
Doubt it will be resolved
Perpetual case of not talking to the right people.
Can I prove the changes the specialist made to my prescription?
No, I've just got a bathroom cabinet full of the stuff. There is a letter from the consultant to the GP.
Can you find it?
Computer says NO

I need more energy to deal with these morons than I need for the actual illness

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
Well, a non day. Cold, took on the GP office to correct my prescriptions.
Where do they recruit the population of the NHS?
Doubt it will be resolved
Perpetual case of not talking to the right people.
Can I prove the changes the specialist made to my prescription?
No, I've just got a bathroom cabinet full of the stuff. There is a letter from the consultant to the GP.
Can you find it?
Computer says NO

I need more energy to deal with these morons than I need for the actual illness

Why I left the NHS.
Among other things I heard, about lost documents “…don’t worry about it, wait until (the patient)complains…then we’ll sort it out…”


Legendary Member
I had a quick run round the house last night with a roll of duck tape, taping up the gaps around the inner windows. That's made a really noticeable difference, particularly upstairs. Hooray for duck tape!
I'm using this stuff on a couple of windows where the seals have started to go and it does seem to make a bit of a difference. Mine's not an old cottage but a late 50's/early 60's ex council house which started life with the single glazed metal windows (the first thing to be replaced when it was purchased off the Council)and no insulation and my bedroom is directly above the unheated storage area/bike shed which means I'm used to the drafts and cold.


I'm using this stuff on a couple of windows where the seals have started to go and it does seem to make a bit of a difference. Mine's not an old cottage but a late 50's/early 60's ex council house which started life with the single glazed metal windows (the first thing to be replaced when it was purchased off the Council)and no insulation and my bedroom is directly above the unheated storage area/bike shed which means I'm used to the drafts and cold.

The ones here were built in the early 1950's and are much sought after. I was speaking to an old boy in the local pub quite a few years ago. He had been a carpenter before the 2nd world war and returned to the trade after demob. He said the people building the houses knew they might well be living in them so there was an incentive to do things right.
A local ex council three bed semi built in the 50's has a larger floor area than a modern 4 bed detached.


Legendary Member
Octopus had one of those saving sessions where you are rewarded for using less elecricity which ran from 17:00 to 18:30 today which was perfect for me. I got home just before half past four and after a quick mug of coffee and a change of clothing I was out on the bike for an hour to get some food which covered a large part of that time. Bloody cold even that early in the evening though!


Legendary Member
The ones here were built in the early 1950's and are much sought after. I was speaking to an old boy in the local pub quite a few years ago. He had been a carpenter before the 2nd world war and returned to the trade after demob. He said the people building the houses knew they might well be living in them so there was an incentive to do things right.
A local ex council three bed semi built in the 50's has a larger floor area than a modern 4 bed detached.

And room for a semi-detached house in the back garden if they're anything like the ones round here.


Leg End Member
Check out by 10:00 at the latest. By then I was just finishing off breakfast and thinking about a second coffee. I'm sure the area around the station changes completely every time I'm up there - this time there were some new sharks fin type things in the road just by the Aire St. entrance.
T'were later than that when I got there.

They claim their improving the entrance to the station. Can't see where, or how myself.
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