Mundane News

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Bin's have bin emptied.. šŸ‘

So has mine, fully this time.

Had a frustrating morning WAH when suddenly all sorts of weird log on boxes appeared - Outlook, Teams, Word . Transpired my password had expired. When asked why I had not received an email saying to change it I was told they are not doing that any longer :banghead:

Just tried as a tip found on the web a toasted sandwich wrapped on baking paper. Yes it stops it sticking to the plates which seems to happen despite oiling and outside "butterings, possibly because I use a low fat spread. Works but needs heating a lot longer so the sticking version is somewhat cheaper
Bright, sunny and chilly here chez Casa Reynard. A sharp frost overnight, and the car has a good coating still, as at this time of year, my drive is in deep shade.

Slept well. Had a morning re-jigging the fridges and sorting out yet more paperwork for the parental. This time the f*ck up is at the other end. How many more hoops do I need to jump through? They will have to make do with the usual forms of ID because I can't magic up stuff that we simply just don't have. I guess bureaucrats have to justify their wages by doing make-work, but it's been a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. It's obviously FAR too simple a solution to put a checklist in with the original packet of documents that needed sorting, instead of telling me, piecemeal, by phone, roughly once fortnight since the middle of September. Aaaaaaaaaargh! :banghead: This kind of dichotomy with international paperwork is something I bet @Andy in Germany is very familiar with.

I had a quick run round the house last night with a roll of duck tape, taping up the gaps around the inner windows. That's made a really noticeable difference, particularly upstairs. Hooray for duck tape!

This afternoon's task is to do a spot of lumberjilling and fill up another trailer with firewood. I'd better wrap up. Which reminds, need to find my glove liners, as rigger gloves aren't the warmest...

Anyways, it's time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Iā€™m second left before I grew my beard out and became Emperor of the Universe.

Strange I had you placed more like this.

I was wondering if Schrƶdinger had a bike, whereby he placed it in his shed which had tacks on the floor in which case he wouldn't know if he had a puncture or not until he decided to go for a ride on it ! :wacko:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but cold today and my car windscreen is still covered in ice as I was not out anywhere today and just mooched around doing some household chores.
Gritting lorry has just passed so more frost expected.

The comic from what used to be CTC appeared in the post with a review of an H.G. Wells book called ā€œWheels of Chanceā€. I have read this and am convinced I have it somewhere but so far it has not surfaced. I do have ā€œ The History of Mr Pollyā€ but cannot so far find the other one. There are far too many books in the house and many are ones my wife used to collect. So far I cannot get round to having a cull as probably many of the older and probably valuable ones would end up in a skip.
I have priced a few of my own and anything from Ā£30 upwards to Ā£100 could be expected for some.

I also have some old sewing machines and checking the serial numbers and make I was surprised at what was suggested. Must put a note on them to give my family an idea of value. It is just a matter of finding a willing buyer.
Had a lovely luncheon of the leftover egg & vegetable fried rice with a good sploosh of soy sauce, plus a slice of bread with polish sausage, along with a pear, a minneola and two :cuppa:

Afternoon spent lumberjilling. Another heaped trailer of firewood has been brought in - felled a few small oak trees that have got crowded out over time. Some of the wood is no great shakes, but it's in that odd category of being too good to leave to rot, but not good enough to store. Ergo it'll be burnt straight away as it's nice and dry.

Now sitting down with a :cuppa: and a shortbread finger.


Personal safety apps, what a load of trash.
The previous one work used I somehow triggered an alert which consisted of a phone call from an annoyed sounding man telling me to ring a phone number I could not make out and if I didn't the police would be visiting. Thought it was some nutter until my boss questioned me on the alert.
This afternoon trying to unlock the work phone caused an alert to be recorded by the current one.Hit cancel and it confirmed it had cancelled it. Then an hour late, WAH finished and the work mobile switched off my own rang with the boss asking if I was okay. If had been for real that is a worrying length of time.


A very cold early morning out with the dog and it's not really warmed up since cold air set in early on. Morning spent at work with last minute shift change from a full day to just morning. Sadly worth going in, met the new member of staff who already things they know it all.
A mini me of someone we already work with who flaps around changing stuff around. No sooner started I find they've change a few things round to "make it easier" AKA you now spend twice as long doing it. Our manager has promised a long over due meeting and sorting access to new part of the network. She saying January more like never we've been waiting a year as it is. Back in tomorrow for more of the same.

Afternoon spent catching up at home and going a bit of shopping. Now looking for some more Christmas idea as MRs 73 wants a few more
not sure what else to tell her. Need a think I know some possibles but can't find only that I like.


Personal safety apps, what a load of trash.
The previous one work used I somehow triggered an alert which consisted of a phone call from an annoyed sounding man telling me to ring a phone number I could not make out and if I didn't the police would be visiting. Thought it was some nutter until my boss questioned me on the alert.
This afternoon trying to unlock the work phone caused an alert to be recorded by the current one.Hit cancel and it confirmed it had cancelled it. Then an hour late, WAH finished and the work mobile switched off my own rang with the boss asking if I was okay. If had been for real that is a worrying length of time.
It could be worse community nurses round here have ID badges that have personal safety tracker built in.
They are for ever setting them off and getting contacted by the monitoring company.
When I did house calls for family intervention we use to phone office with a code word if we got into trouble. We also had to phone in at the end of the day. One day someone forgot and all hell let loose. It ended up calling in the dept head from home who was having a big posh BBQ. We all got a right mouth full so after that they made us all come back to the office and sign off caused a right pain after that.
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